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Image Comments posted by deozmac

    Window 2003

    I like this a lot. I would suggest a small crop, to remove the lighter stones from the bottom of the image. I would also like to know where this is - Brittany? :0)
  1. Neil, I really like the feeling created by this. It's almost as if the little boy is as intrigued by the scene, as by the balloon he has released. Thanks a lot for the fine poetic compliment you paid my portfolio!
  2. I would crop the left edge to exclude the white of the sun. It's a very good image nevertheless. The inner wing surface looks very badly dented, but I cannot imagine this is true since the aerodynamics would be affected.

    The Lost World

    Adam...I have received much pleasure from viewing your landscapes. This is wonderful, but I find that the graduated filtration is overdone for my taste. Composition and natural lighting are well captured. I was once caught in a thunderstorm when roaming at the base of the Old Man of Storr - memorable. Regards, David
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