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Image Comments posted by raywei

  1. I appreciate your comments, to me this is a NEW approach as I rendered this glamour shot in Direct Positive, a feature in Adobe LR. It totally brings out the colors of hair, eyes and the lips.


    Yes I am not happy about the glove, nor the shadow under the nose. :D


    Thanks again.


    Cinematic shots, a bit like this one -- are something that I hope I can do someday, before then I'll just come here to admire yours. :D Regards, Ray



    It's okay to me, your intention to help counts for me, big time. :D


    Lou Ann and I go way back, she helped me so much by bringing me into a circle of PN photographers two years ago, and I learned much from that circle. Lou Ann is a popular and respected critic. People orbit around her photos too.


    I stopped rating and commenting photos once I got really busy and had to cut back my sleep.


    Keep on shooting WhenKat. Warm regards.



    Actually, pretty easy. I go to Gallery, and take category=all, period=all and by=folder views. It will list top 1000 folders ranked by number of views. I only count the six folders that made the list, that adds up to 22 million already.


    Some folders by Alec Ee and Wilson Tsoi are way up there. :D





    I like this one, Lou Ann, better than mine in color arrangement. :D


    Well thanks for stopping by my port, so you are the one who pumped up my total view count, right now it's at around 22 million, not a lot compared to others, but enough to help me learning things.


    As for the reason why I didn't request critique and comments, welll, I want to count the uninvited clicks so it's unbiased. I often throw out a batch the same time, sit back and watch, trying to find out which one gets more hit -- it's revealing, really.


    Have fun shooting.

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