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Posts posted by emmett_s

  1. Gary (I've been away)...thanks for the explanation. I am disillusioned with digi but cannot seem to find a lab that will do justice to film. Seriously I have been very discouraged, and really feeling like an ambassador without portfolio lately. I'm rethinking everything.


    Thanks for the post Janet - I am in exactly the same predicament with an new F100....learning curve and how know what the camera wants to do on my behalf...thanks also to all who posted.
  2. I agree with Marc (whose work I really admire - but I don't imitate). Watching everybody else's work will make me a poor imitation of them, and not a good version of me. Sounds corny but, I am finally getting comfortable enough to take work I know I do well, and to turn down assignments/weddings I know that someone else would be better suited for. It means less business but the work I do is better, and I believe that I will develop a niche.
  3. Where did I ever say ムrequires digitalメ? (Point of fact - I have gone back to MF myself). And yes of course itメs the photographer who makes the photos. I never said it wasnメt.

    I said モUSUALLY (not always)ヤ? I said モIn the end shouldn't the pictures do the talking?ヤ The ムstandardメ I am referring to is superior color saturation, sharpness, tonality, and contrast. Just look at the economics. Six competitors in my immed. area. Two use MF and average $5k a wedding. The next two are using Full Frame Dslrメs also averaging $5k. The remaining two use 35mm and they average about $2k per wedding. IMHO the 35mm work they produce does not compare favorably with those who are using FF Dslrメs and MF. This was not a indictment of All 35mm users, but an observation of the market place.

  4. Gary relax. Erwitt's a genius. But he's not a wedding photographer in the NY Metro area, and I know the work I am competeing against.

    This is Wedding photography we are discussing right? And there is a look, a standard if you will(one that Mr Erwitt probably disdains) which clients are looking for. And the shooters around me using 35 cannot / do not deliver. Cheers.

  5. Wow, this got intense. I actually like hearing from Scott because he is so direct and because he makes a lot of sense. We all have freedom to choose but I agree that the 35mm crowd are USUALLY (not always) 2nd tier budget shooters. In the end shouldn't the pictures do the talking?
  6. Back to the future with film for me. Love shooting digital: 100's of shots on a card, ISO and white balance on the fly...BUT, the post production was aboslutely joy-less. I looked this weekend at some of my 100% digital weddings from last year, and I can't really knock the results. But I have gone back to film and am glad of it.
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