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Posts posted by emmett_s

  1. Before I book a Wedding (and it's in writing) the bride must tell me who is at the top of the heap, me or the video person, or the DJ with the digital point & shoot. Then we all live by the rules, sometimes I'm Number Two, but I can plan for that going in.

    At one wedding a gal with a Handycam blocked me all during the ceremony. I walked up to the the Videographer with his huge rig atop a tripod and said"How did ya like the bridge troll in my way?"....only to learn later it was his wife...Ugh!

  2. Somebody help this fellow - because I am in the same boats. Been selling proofs and negatives and have had 3 couples come back this month asking me to do the whole album thing! Great for income but I too am a complete novice at this. I Have tried Candid2000 and one couple is happy but the enlargements are lacking. Other labs making enlargements from negatives(optical) have done a decidedly better job. Please help!(adn thank you)
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