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andy e

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Image Comments posted by andy e

    Violin IV

    Well, thanks to the pathetic life I lead, I was watching "Antiques Roadshow" and found out what the damn curly thing is. Its a SCROLL. God, isn't knowledge a lovely thing?
  1. I know what you mean about the kind of things that go on in a cemetery. Where I went to college in Ohio, there was this amazing graveyard that had a number of graves of people from my alma mater that died in the Civil War as well as earlier monuments. That of course didn't stop the redneck contingent from spilling their Schlitz all over the gravestones, as well as other choice excretions. Made me sick. I guess that's a roundabout way of saying that I like your images here for the memories they evoke. Looks like a gorgeous part of the world. Must get myself there one day.

    Giant 1

    I'm guessing you had your lens a lot closer to 18mm than 55mm. The perspective distortion is absolutely great. A very funny and very effective image. Good work.

    Game over

    Yes indeed. This POW has it all and says it all. A brilliant piece of sports photojournalism. Congratulations on an outstanding image.

    Violin IV

    Well, you know my bias about your polaroid transfers, so I like it already without thinking too much about it. In particular, though, I really like how you used the DOF and where you put the point of focus. The sharpness of the curly-thing (I can't remember the name for it) contrasted with the softness of the tuning keys is a very nice touch. Good work.

    Railway Club

    Yeah, I can see how he could play a heavy. He has a look like a character from the Sopranos. Very nice atmospherics in this image. I can almost smell the smoke and the beer. Nice subdued edginess to it too. Excellent work. I too will look forward to seeing more of your work.

    East 56th Street


    I like the image plays around with grit and menace. I think in large part effective street photography is something that challenges one's normal assumptions about people and place. So if in a moment, the photo skews the typical perception of a place, then perhaps that's not such a bad thing. Look at Winogrand's work, which constantly caused one to rethink how the conventional views of the world accorded with reality. I'm not necessarily disagreeing with Andrew's point, although I think "disingenuous" is perhaps too strong a word.


    Good shot Beau.

  2. Man, now that's nice John. I think the rendering you gave it is awesome. Wet print or PS? If its a wet print, did you play around with some split-grading with the contrast. I really like the definition of that crater-lake against the relative flatness of the surrounding hills. The depth is fantastic as a result. Great to see it.
  3. Lovely work, Phil. The exposure looks just right with detail in the shadows and no overexposure of the portions in the sun. The square crop works pretty well here given the dominant diagonal line the kids are on in the image. The faces are simply priceless. I gotta get me some kids someday.


    Good to see your work again.


    P.S: How are you liking the Delta? I ran out of film the other day and was forced to use Delta because the nearby camera shop only had it. Wow, I was duly impressed.

  4. What I like is the perfect exposure. Nice detail in the deep shadows while you kept the highlight detail on the right calf's head from blocking up. Even nice detail in the eyes too. The warmtone quality of the image is also very appealing.


    Blackie's presence in the back is not a problem to me. I think he/she serves as a nice counterweight to the the principal calves in the scene. I saw another photographer on here who did some very nice work with cows too, but I can't remember his name. If I can remember, I'll let you know.


    Thanks for sharing this!

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