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andy e

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Image Comments posted by andy e


    I dunno, I rather like the strange crop and the sense of movement in the image. Having just been to Paris, this gives me the feel of being back in some of the great bistros we ate at during our stay. Its not a masterpiece, but its not bad in my opinion.
  1. Knicki's absolutely right. The sense that the old guy is being dragged along is enhanced by the motion blur. I would normally be a picky pain in the ass about the blur but it does so much to further the story element to the image that I have no problems with it whatsoever. Excellent image, Mr. Morris.
  2. Yep, indeed there are vastly more interesting images in Mr. Felten's portfolio. At the end of the day, no matter how long I look at it, all I can say is, "Its a pile of underwater toilets." I'm sorry, but ho hum.
  3. I take it that the distortion is due to the fact that the sign rotated. I like this image even more than the other neon image. Its got a great "Friday night in summer" feel to it. Gotta love a place that promotes 9-ball, which happens to be, in my opinion, the best damn pool game ever invented.

    street boys

    Definitely a fine shot. The triangular arrangement of the boys' heads really makes this work in my opinion. Those facial expressions are completely priceless. Excellent work.

    6 A.M.

    So when did you make the foray into MF photography? This is really nice, Mike. You may have wanted a smaller aperture, but if you ask me, this worked out very nicely indeed. I like the graininess as well, which adds a very pleasing atmospheric element to the image. This is a real winner.
  4. Yeah, baby! You caught this guy so well. Those eyes are pouring out a torrent of expletives. The split tones of the van behind the guy actually do nicely to enhance the shapes of his helmet and road-warrior face mask.


    I got to one roll from the jaunt last night, which includes my spin on this guy. I'll post it later on, but you'll agree with me that yours caught the essence of this guy so much better.

  5. Colin, I can attest that no tripods were used in the making of any of the images you see in this folder. I know because I witnessed this virtuoso performance with my own eyes.


    In any event, this one really captures the London bustle very well. I'm glad there's an element of sharpness in the image to anchor the movement elsewhere in the frame. The other thing I like is that with the softness of his face, you can still tell that the guy in the white shirt is looking right at you. Excellent work.

  6. Its certainly quite possible that our hero in the suit is returning from a long day at the office and looking out for his own "business" (or recreation as the case may be). Judging from the lines, I'm guessing you had the lens a whole lot closer to the 28mm end, which I like immensely.
  7. Wild camping, eh? Does that actually involve sleeping on the ground and such? After having a semi-close encounter with an adder in Wiltshire a few days after our meeting, I'm rediscovering the glories of having a roof over my head. A day's jaunt in the country would be nice though.


    And now that I've seen this image in a better light, I like it all the more. The soft elements surrounding their faces are wonderful.

  8. Ah brilliant stuff, Phil! I'm afraid that I'm consigned right now to my dad's horrid and highly uncalibrated computer monitor so I can't drink in all the details. However, when I get home tonight I will return to this photo promptly and relish its true beauty.


    However, right now, I can say that your eye and mine gravitated to many of the same things that afternoon. What struck me were these small quiet moments existing in the midst of all that shopping mayhem at Oxford Circus. Here, you caught one of these full-force and its conveyed wonderfully well. In your company, whether you know it or not, I gained some wonderful insight into how your eye moves from the landscape to the street so easily: you have an eye for finding features in both so well. Aside from the joys of the company, the afternoon was a wonderful education for me. I do hope that one day we can continue the education. Thanks again, Phil. It was an afternoon I'll not forget.

  9. I think the people who rated this one so low are frankly not in their right minds. This is an outstanding image caught at just the right moment. The face is priceless and the added element of the girl on the pony ride is an excellent composition. This one is a real winner in my eyes. Great work.



    Very nice one, indeed. The lines created by the branches, though seemingly haphazard at first glance, have a very harmonious feel to them, making one's eye travel easily throughout the frame. Lovely tones as well.


    Not quite as lovely as a tall, lithe woman in a pub near Oxford Circus, but not bad...

    2400 Court

    No it wouldn't Bart. The so-called bluriness you see is the halo formed around the figures on the neon sign due to the prolonged exposure, its not lack of sharpness. I think the perspective is excellent for creating a sense of energy in the image. This could so easily have been a dull picture, but its been done extremely well in my estimation. Personally, I find the ratings to be ridiculously low here reflecting a total lack of understanding about the strengths in this image. Good work, Gordon.

    The Latrine

    Hey man, I appreciate it. Let's talk when I get back from my trip at the end of the month. If nothing else, I have to travel down to Springfield in early August and perhaps I can stop off for a beer on my way back.

    The Latrine

    Wow, Mike, this is simply lovely. The tones and the light are absolutely fantastic. Its got a lonely feeling, like those times when you're on a long road-trip by yourself. This one's got something special to it. Man, I remember when we first hooked up on this place about a year ago or so. Your progress has been really wonderful to watch. Great work.
  10. A very rich image, Christou. The upward angle that you took the shot from enhances the meaning of the title. Its as if they had climbed some peak and were enjoying the view. Excellent work.

    Hidden Sun (color)

    Sunrise over halter top? Its actually a very interesting image. Good eye for catching it. The couple of stray hairs are a tiny bit distracting, but aren't a real obstacle to full enjoyment of the image. Nicely done.
  11. Hey do any of the allegories have to do with a short stick and... well, better not go there. Damn, this is absolutely gorgeous, Doug. The tones are so rich and the simple clean composition works very well. A very fine image, indeed.
  12. Nikos analyzed this image quite well and I agree with his points. I think its a great moment that you captured. It has a very nice element of anticipation that I really like. Nice job.
  13. Definitely this works better than the "too much window" shot, as you put it. There's a nice sense of depth, or perhaps three-dimensionality to it. Again, the shadows cast on the wall are very appealing to me. To me, this is the best of the series.


    I'm glad there wasn't a cup of coffee in this shot... Otherwise, the discussion might spiral again into politics and metaphysics.

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