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andy e

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Image Comments posted by andy e

  1. Weird, I could swear I left a comment here this morning saying some kind of profound thing about the opposition of luminous and alive blossoms and the dead, brackish water. Well, its not profound at all, but I swear I said it. Lovely shot, Phil.
  2. Ain't these old shacks wonderful things to study and photograph? I think the angle is great with the trees and the strong lines created by the shadows from the branches. The only bummer to me is that big ol' sliver of roadway at bottom. Still, its a lovely rendering of the scene.
  3. Very, very nice. This really works for me. I love the cascading look and feel to the pine needles as they sweep down over the trunk toward the bottom of the frame. The strong lines suggested by both the trunk and the branches does a wonderful job adding structure to the scene. Good eye.


    Excellent image. The juxtaposition of her formality and his extreme informality is excellent and makes the image very interesting. Looks like he's mugging to his friends because he just managed to get her phone number. Great work. Keep it up.
  4. I think you picked the right lens for this kind of event and I like what I see, but I'm dying to know what you cropped out. Would you be willing to post the full frame image for comparison? That might give me a fuller sense of action, though the free spirited nature of the event was certainly captured here. Nice work.

    Paja Patak

    I don't know why people are rating this so low, but I love it. That's one of the great things about street photography, capturing the surreal moments. Good one.
  5. An interesting find... There's something visually compelling in the sweep and arc of the birch amongst the rigid verticals of the pines. And I think the scattering of light tones from the birch leaves are a nice touch as well. I'm wondering if perhaps a tad more contrast or perhaps a bit more burning down of the pinetree portions of the image might add a tiny bit more pop. I, however, reserve the right to revoke the foregoing comments once I get home and view this on my properly calibrated monitor.


    Looks like a lovely part of the world, Phil. You ever get stateside, I promise you a trip to Wisconsin or Minnesota. Make sure you bring the Bronica on that trip. Oh, and bring a fishing pole too...

    Steam Leak No. 529

    Absolutely fantastic image. Composition and tones couldn't be better. As a digital image, its a joy to look at, but I imagine I'd be blown away by the silver print of this. Excellent work. Some of the best I've seen in quite a while.



    Awesome work, Chris. The lighting is lovely and the subtle grain gives it a wonderful sense of depth. A truly great portrait.


    Good to see you remain amongst the living. Hope all is well.

    In The Corner


    My eyes about bugged out of my head when I saw these. Had to double-check the screen to see if I got the right person. But wow, what a nice series of images. The detail that lens brings out really is awesome. I also like the tonal range you got in all three of the shots. They capture a certain warmth and peace of a by-gone time that sadly seems lost today.


    The only quibble I have rests with this image here. As Leigh suggested, the perspective seems a tiny bit off when looking at the left side. However, that may be an illusion created by the lines of the harp. Its very minor and I still think its a very nice image.

  6. Man, what a sky! The combination of the reds and blues are very eye-catching indeed. As a sunset photo goes, its as solid as a rock. I think the thing that makes it work for me is the fact that there's so much substance to the sky from top to bottom. Nicely done.



    Yo, Dean, takes a lot of guts for someone to make a snotty comment and leave a lousy rating on a picture when he doesn't have the guts to put his money where his mouth is and post his own pics. I think its a damn good photo.



    Antique Bottle IV

    Dang, another beauty, Bob. I think the magic in it is the lighting. The backlighting gives such a wonderful feel and a wonderful sense of depth to the image. No, no, its hardly a silly little thing. Its very beautiful.
  7. Yep, it sure has interest to me. I think the timing of your press on the shutter button was great because you have space and context for understanding the blur. My only wish (for which you had no control and which is by no means a complaint) is for the object in the kid's hand to be a little sharper to see what it is. Another good one.
  8. Wow, I missed out on all the fun. Still, I must chime in and support Tim's, Leanne's, and Pete's view in favor of the non-JARBed version. Though there certainly is a legitimate argument for the crop, it leaves me, frankly, feeling flat. The one thing that traditional wedding photography has in abundance is stiffness, rather than flow, motion and energy, things that are characteristic of a good wedding. The full frame has exactly that. I think its a brilliant image, Phil. Don't touch it.
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