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Image Comments posted by sterioma


    The subject is a bit blurry, maybe a quicker shutter speed might have helped here. Composition-wise, this has a good balance ;)


    A nice portrait in an overcast day. The construction on the left side, although out of focus, tends to grab the attention away from the subject a bit. It looks like that the focus plane is a bit before the face.

    Isola dei Gabbiani

    Not a bad shot, you've captured the moment. I like particularly the way the man's arm and the seagull form something like a diagonal across the frame. I would have been even better if you managed to get the whole bird in.


    I wish the man on the bottom right was in a less "active" pose, if you know what I mean, like standing still watching into the wide see in front of him.


    I am not sure about the crack in the wall which you have decided to include into the frame here. My eyes keep moving back and forth without rest, trying to concentrate on the door but having that distraction in the top interfering.


    Michele, thanks for your comment. Here I was indeed experimenting with a shallow depth of field (which I normally do not use for landscape photography).

    I had seen some interesting work around PN (as specified in the technical details) and I was trying to reproduce something similar. Overall, although this shot is not receiving an enthusiastic response in the critique forum, I am pleased with the result and I think I will experiment more in the future (maybe also playing with the aperture to see how the things change).


    Very good composition and subject matter. My only (tiny) complaint is that I would have loved to see a bit more of detail on the texture of the boat. Overall, a very good shot.


    Since you've decided to keep the colour on the flag, what about pushing a bit the saturation to make it stand out even more?. I like the vertical framing.


    Doug, as you commented in the other picture of mine, it looks like ripping my compositions is becoming a favourite sport around here ;)

    More seriously, I appreciate the effort you've put in analysing this shot of mine. Clearly, B is the cropping which is closer to what I had in mind when I took the picture (see the low res image which I am attaching - shot with my digital camera from roughly the same vantage point - which provides a "bird eye view" of the whole scene). Instinctively, it is the one I prefer. A and C are variations of cutting what was the main subject in my mind (the blue/orange boat). They sacrifice a bit of the reflections, especially A which has an interesting diagonal of water though. On the other side, D and E are all about reflections. Between the two, I would choose D since E has a blue reflection on the top side which seems to come from nowhere.

    P.S. Roberto was also complaining about the lack of a single point of main interest.


    Sunday Walk


    Galina, Michele,

    thanks for your contribution to the discussion here!

    I also am wondering which would have been the best placement for the person. I think that both left and right have their appeal.

    As Galina has pointed out, the left placement would maybe yield more positive mood. Also, I would add, the jagged shape of the wall would naturally lead the eye to her. On the other side, I find that the right placement gives to the image a more "balanced" feeling between the right and left side of the image.

    Sunday Walk

    All, thanks about your kind comments!

    Rogerio, thanks for taking the time to analyse my image in such a depth as to identify two potentially good pictures in it. Between them, I like particularly the crop from the top!

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