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Image Comments posted by sterioma


    You didn't need to sign this "in calce", as we say here in Italy. This is so obviously yours!

    Good to see some new work, hope to find some time to look (and learn).


    It would be interesting to know how long did this exposure last to get such a still water. Also, did you use and filter here (blue maybe?) to get both the sea and sky so light? Beautiful shot indeed.



    Pernilla, IMHO is just a short way to say "in my humble opinion". Internet jargon to express that this is only my personal point of view, of a hobbist/amateur :)


    I think this shot deserves all the attentions, since it's clever and stands out from the cliche images which we've been seeing (and producing, myself included!) on photo.net much too often. Brava!

    The Captain

    Michele, se ricordo bene il gatto era di un colore grigio molto scuro, vicino al nero. Per quanto riguarda il contrasto, l'ho sicuramente accresciuto rispetto allo scan originale e sono contento cosi' soprattutto per i toni morbidi della texture nel legno.

    The Captain




    thank you for your kind comment. Actually this is a stray cat, so I don't think he/she has an "official name". There're several stray cats in the small harbour of this village, and they particularly enjoy taking naps on top of the boats in the afternoon.

    The Captain


    Stephen, Marc,

    thanks for your feedback.

    This is a small experiment of mine, and I somehow was afraid that this rotation would have been too extreme and "uncomfortable" to look at. But the response seems to be positive.

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