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Image Comments posted by jannis

    "will power"


    Many thanks for your kind comments on the photo.

    As a matter of fact I would not wish neither a tighter frame nor more space in front of the athlete. A tighter frame would make the picture more "static" and the feeling of movement would imho loose importance. More space would not make the picture any better. But this is only my feeling about this shot. I am very pleased that you expressed your thoughts. By the way the photo is not cropped at all..

    Best regards


  1. Dear friends

    Thank you for your comments so far...I have made quite a few exposures having the chair darker and brighter...I have about 4 different (in terms of exposure)shots but somehow the one where the chair is darker (then the top and the right corner oposite to the chair are very dark) is loosing imho its impact in a way...When I saw the chair in these ruins the spontaneous idea was the title and my intension was to try and bring this over to you. Nevertheless it is very interesting to read your comments and your thoughts!


    best regards


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