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Image Comments posted by jannis

  1. Thank you very much once again. I have already sent an e-mail to the admin


    Sincere regards



    PS: I do not understand why some people do not ask when they want to use a photo of another autor. It would be so simple...

  2. This is my photo which I have uploaded in many websites in the internet and thanks to you I must discover that someone had the idea to use it as their photo!!! Wonderful! Unfortunately I cannot understand the russian language and I do not know what to do. I do not like people using my photos without my permission and especially as if they where their photos!!

    If you speak russian could you please ask those people to delete the photo from their site immediately otherwise I will have to find another way to claim!

    Thank you very much in advance!

    Best regards


    PS: Could you tell me how to write to the admin of that website?



    This is indeed a strong image due to the perspective and to the lens you have chosen. The composition is excellent.

    Thanks again for the invitation

    Two Boats


    Hello Predrag

    Thank you for the invitation!

    I will agree with Peter Nixon regarding the cropping of the image. Placing the two boats away from the center creates a more dynamic and pleasant composition

    Best regards

    lost in red

    The background is competing to the beautiful face of the little girl but the picture is so very well composed, the look of the little girl is so natural and the lighting is excellent so that I like the photo very much!
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