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Image Comments posted by leepix

  1. I love this - it is an example of great inspiration and reeks with human nature. Both in the

    subject and as a sample of the humanity and joy in the photographers heart.

    It is fun and easy to enjoy. It rises to the

    top on it's merit as an expression of humor alone. Bravo. Well done. Give us more. I believe

    that the 'content' of any art outweighs and transcends the 'technique' used for achieving an

    emotional connection to the work. This is funny. That's enough for me.


    Lee McLaughlin xart.com

  2. I appreciate the sweet thoughts here. I am surely learning a bit more and having fun executing a slightly better style..

    way more to learn, but this is truly exciting. The comments from the folks here is great for on many levels.

    Thanks for the input.



    "The Ice Gallery"


    You do have such a great eye my friend. Back again I am seeing your work - so many wonderful images. So moving and striking. Like poetry.

    Always an inspiration it is to be in your world.

    Thanks for sharing.


  3. hello John,

    Stunning image..soooo many in your collection!

    I have just returned to the photo.net pages and found you again. Discovering your world of images has again given me a spark of inspiration for more street shooting. You do have a great sense of timing and irony. I'l be going back to Paris an a few days and have in my heart the desire to shoot shoot shoot. Having stopped for awhile. I am excited again. Your work has always inspired me. Your thoughts and images are among the strongest around these parts. I have been urged to produce a book. I urge you to do the same.

    It may be the best way to share you work and touch others. I still would love to walk the streets with you some day, or, at the very least enjoy an expresso and a dream or two.

    Best to you wherever you are.




    This is a delicious image.

    So rich on many levels. Your work is superb. Having seen your wonderful and vibrant work i am truly flattered that you enjoy any of my images. You are an artist and i love the way you present your work. I have more to learn. Thanks


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