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Image Comments posted by leepix


    very nicely captured and presented. This is a strong and delicate composition. It has good energy on many levels. You should be proud of this one. Keep clicking!

    Two Lonely Girls


    You have a wonderfully graphic stage here with a nice mood. Theother image with the intruder is not as strong for me. My mind likes the two girls alone better. Maybe it is a guy thing. TYhe 3 strong elements here are the 2 girls and the pier. The guy adds a fourth element and it is less striking to me.

    this is a nice shot. congrats on so many fine new images,


  1. This is very sweet and wonderful on many levels. You are certainly getting better by the day. Like a fine wine. I would like to see bit more of her eyes (maybe a touch of dodge) unless this is the way you truly wish it to be seen. Has mystery and a giving of honesty. Cheers,


  2. I am so pleased by your comments. I am certainly delighted that someone noticed any of these details in my work. I never thought about these, but rather 'felt' something strontg. Seeing the clarity of your analisis does not change this. So, for my heart, it is a good image that was compelling then and continues to 'hit' my heart.

    The sign issue is simple for me. I felt then that the sign was a 'push' on this soul. Everything is temporary for us, and this 'move-along' official declaration is just another sting from a nest of life's pesky 'reality wasps'. So I , too like the sign there for this reason.

    Again, thank you.



    Jamie 2


    I love this oner my friend. Just got back into the gropve and decided to mosey around a bit. I see you have been busy and getting better at you craft. Great progress. I think you will have a lot of fun with photoshop too. It made a big difference in my work. Cheers,


  3. Just read your sweet note and thought I'd mosey on over. WOW! you do have a nice way of seeing and I can learn from what you displayed and presented. Very nice stuff here. Thanks again for your great comments. cheers,


    I Love This Place

    this defies regular associations. i love it!!! you caught the right mixture of deliberate and accidental. Very amusing and telling. I stumbled over here to find that you have many wonderful images in your portfolio. it is like mining visual poetry browsing here. Cheers, Lee

    Rose #1

    I am re-thinking about this. if you were to selectively darken the green, and lighten the center and darken the outr pedals you could train the eye to 'go' towards the most interesting portion of this flower. Remember that the rule of the human eye dictates it look first and last at the brightest part of the image. In this case that is the very outer pedal, drawing attention from the sweet repeated patterns of the center of the bud. Good luck >)
  4. Country scene, this has potential, I agree. You have captured a nice feeling here and the "S" curve of the street graphically leads the eye to wander into the background details..

    The horse drawn cart, however, could be accented by lightening this element and separating it from the surrounding similar tones. This might have a great effect. It can produce a 'primary' subject stopping point to rest on as the eyes wander.

    Very nice scene. I wish I was there.


    You have captured an elegant and graceful scene here. Very compelling and rich. You are surely growing as a photographer and bringing such depth to your work. Your 'voice' is apparnet and strong in your work. A true artist unfolding gifts for us all. Cheers, Lee 8/8


    This has the feeling of an ancient bird about to scare some kids. Very expressive my friend. I see that you have beeen busy, Your new portfolio/work is stunning and delightfull. Congratz!!!! 7/7


    You do have a sweet form and shape here. so graphic and delicate at once. i love the openness and extra room to move. it is an exciting and playful graphic for me. cheers, Lee


    I really feel that the images in this series that show less of the body are by far stronger and more compelling. I guess its just like life. The lure of wonder is the best part of the journey. You work is delicious and deliberate. Much to enjoy.!!!


    This is so wonderful. I am really impressed with you whole portfolio. I love the way you finish the images (great onto themselves) by framing with such style. I am inspired by your work. Glad to see it. Cheers, Lee
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