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Image Comments posted by vdp


    You managed to capture such a thoughtful look on his face. This has me think even more about how we should be treating other species.
  1. I think this is a couragious photograph. It has in it the terrors of the world and the grace and beauty of the world. That hand, so lovely and youthful and that IV tube that tries to bring good health to a person but so often signifies the horror of disease are in the same location. Look at that graceful curve of the IV tube -- does it show that good and evil/ beauty and ugliness are closer than we think? The color of the design on the sheets are the same as the color of the nozel like thing on the IV tube, green, another instance where the pleasent is related to the ominous. I think this photograph is a respectful homage to your dear friend. And I am glad your friend who is no longer here in the same way inspired you to take this.


    What a beautiful butterfly. Upon clicking on the larger version I had to laugh as the body of this beautiful being reminded me of some of the outfits worn by Elvis Presley in his Las Vegas routines.


    Tess is very beautiful. I think the image would be better if 1) it was crisper in focus -- something here needs more snap. and, 2) That wrinkled blue background doesn't seem to go along with the beauty and majesty of Tess, at least for me it does not work so well. Perhaps a different color background would be more suitable? Try black but get rid of those wrinkles in the fabric. Best wishes and keep on looking.


    Very well done. The world in the form of a fly is presented as both strange and friendly. I can picture the fly saying "Hello, who are you?"
  2. It's a rather moving photograph. It is reminiscent of a famous photograph , which I can't remember right now the title of nor who made it, of an old actor bowing before an audience for the last time. It too was taken from the rear and as I recollect the lighting was similar. There is something lyrical about this photograph having to do with the light and dark areas and the doggie going toward the darkness. For me animals, especially domestic ones represent the sweet innocence of the world and it's as if they work very hard to encourage us before their journey ends. So hail Hubbi -- a true friend of humanity!


    I love frogs. This poor little guy looks a little disgruntled, like he would rather be eating a nice plate of insects rather than pose for a camera.
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