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Image Comments posted by vdp


    I could look at this honeybaby all day long. I like that it is looking straight into the camera and looks as if it is talking or perhaps singing a song.

    Long Ears...

    I love the sweet look of both these donkeys. However, I tend to agree with the previous remark that the background "doesn't do it for me." The donkeys seem to be superimposed on top of the background rather than organically in tune with it.
  1. This image is strangely moving. You do get a sense of a self in the comfort of sleep. I hope he or she had a long and happy life, however I notice that this body seems intact with the skin still adhering to the bones. So either because of the dry climate or because this persons demise was more recent the skin still exists. The way this person's hands cover its face reminds me of how my cats sometime use their paws to shield their eyes when they sleep.

    Old Mill

    I like this, it is very calm and still and it evokes feelings of the past. In fact there is a little story going on between the sky and it's reflection. At top is the present clear and bright. At bottom is the darker reflection of that same sky -- the past can be a little dim to us.


    I tried to shoot this from the street the other day. I like yours much better, it is simpler and has an abstract quality that I like. I guess the angle of view helps alot.


    This almost has an abstract quality considering all the textures and variation of colors. Then there is that dog -- I hope he didn't jump. Perhaps there could be more detail around his face?


    I like the way the leaves directly behind the flower almost reflect the spread of the flowers petals. Such a lovely lonely flower. It is a little like the lady in the other photo that I commented on. The reflection of sunlight at the bottom is a little distracting. If you could have it more subdued in that area I think it may be better visually.
  2. I find myself being quite moved by this photograph -- I think it is beautiful. Those sunflowers, they are like a visual corus of people spread out accross the land. Their golden color is related to the Suns rays and the clouds to the left sky add weight to this lovely composition.

    Statues' dialog

    This is a very interesting image. It converts what would have been a still scene into something having more livliness. It's sort of statues turned into a crowd scene. I like it.
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