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Image Comments posted by vdp


    I have always found something helarious about a dog looking like he is driving a car. This one is no exception. This dog looks so serious as if he is waiting for the light to change.
  1. I saw a dog just like this one in Central Park in NYC this past Sunday and it too had the socks on each leg and that same kurchief around the neck and ears. What gives with that? Is there a reason why thies dogs have to have socks and a head scarf?

    cat walk

    That steady gaze of the cat lends a sense of unwavering purpose and the curve in the tail gives a certain elegence to this lady. Also the curve in her tail is reflected by the curve in the far hedge. Very good.


    Oh the dears! This is so sweet. I keep on going back to this picture because I feel for me there is something deep about it. These poor chicks tend to remind me of poor children finding themselves in a situation they need to make the best of. I look at them and feel I never want to eat chicken again.
  2. I like this photograph. It almost looks as if this cardinal is smiling or delighted to have this food. It is nice and sharp and the colors are outstanding. The one negative in my opinion is that chain. It looks as if it is growing from the birds head. Could you photoshop it out? Without that chain this is a very good photograph -- I think it is one to be proud of.

    Clyde, My Cat

    Clyde is a beauty. He has that serious critical look that my little ones sometimes have. Perhaps that bright area on his jaw could be toned down just a little? In any event this is a nifty shot.

    work attire

    This is a suprising and funny photograph. The fact that both human and dog are wearing the same color shirt relates the two and also her hair is so simular to the color of the dogs ears making for further relation. The dog looking directly into the camera is the clincher. Well done.

    Hot Dog

    Very good use of light. This image has both energy and calm. The lighting on the vendor is almost Hopperesque and that sky is wonderful.

    Look Up

    Andreas, The play of cool and warmth is very effecting in this photograph. The golden light on those pickets is lovely and that blue sky as a backdrop shows that the world can be very versatile, that cool & warmth, a sense of livliness and calm can exist at the same time in the same scene. I like it.

    YNP Coyote

    This is a fine image. The Coyote looks so determined and serious. The light on him is good. The bramble on the left side of the frame places the coyote and it is good that it is there.
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