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Image Comments posted by vdp


    I like the lighting and composition. Those leaves cascading down lead one into the scene. Those books lying about are a little like the cat lying about. I like the stark whiteness of the cat and the paper in contrast to the earthy tones of the rest of the photograph. Well done.


    I like this. It has both stillness and movement at once. That sky seems to be on the move while that orange tower is fixed on that horizon. Even the land has a rolling quality to it. That orange color of the tower is suprising but for me it works.

    Puppy Love

    This pooch looks rather studious and very serious. I like it. I don't understand the 3/3 ratings as this is a pretty good photograph both in a technical and an aesthetic sense. I think persons just like having ill will and get a certain ugly power from leaving anonymous low ratings.


    Does this bring back memories. I purchased a Java Finch in the mid 1960's as a birthday present for my sister. "Patches" as she named him/her was with us for 11 years. What a fine bird our Java was.

    Il cucciolo

    The relation of near and far is very interesting in this photograph. The distant hill, the cloudy sky and the dog are related through color and texture. The fact that the dog is looking outward, in an almost thoughtful/reflective pose adds to the scene. It's as if he is pondering the nature of existance as well as the nature of himself.


    Impressive shot. I live in NYC and have done so all my life. Yet, I've never been to the top of the ESB. I tried once to go with my girlfriend at that time but the wait would have been too long so we decided not to. Anyway, this is a nice shot and for a moment I wasn't sure it was NYC since its most familiar icon was missing -- the ESB!

    The worker

    I like this photograph. The angle of the cap and the cigarette and the bright look of the man give it a jaunty quality and at the same time there is a seriousness about his gaze and a certain toughness.
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