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Image Comments posted by tomfawlsphotography

  1. the Photoshop work in this image is very well done(assuming you had to cut the birds from multiple pictures...'cause if this is what u see at your back yard feeder, I'm going to Church right now!)


    Only criticism I have is that all the birds in the front seem to be missing their legs or feet...



    it caught my eye immediately! I love the colors and "otherworldly" appearance of this image. The only suggestion I can make is that the horizon line could be just a little bit "fuzzier" to make it more realistic.

    Souls ...

    and very nice execution. One suggestions, though...a slight clockwise rotation of the image would help center it within the frame and increase the impact of the image.


    ...the eyes are captivating. The DOF and slight muting of colors outside the eyes make this a wonderful shot. Great work! (7/5 if I wasn't too lazy to go to the ratings page.)



    great focus. Only suggestion I can make is that you might try cropping tighter on the bee and increasing the contract just a bit. As it is, the bee's rather lost in the flower as it stands.


    I took the liberty of taking a quick stab at it....


    the jug..

    I like the idea of framing the pot in the stone window, but as shot, there's too much "frame" and not enough pot. You If you could zoom in so that the stone walls are less prminent, I think this shot would be much more effective.



    while I think this image is fairly well-executed from a technical standpoint, artistically, it seems forced - somehow awkward and uncomfortable with itself.


    For the most part, your post processing work is good: the edges on the windows are clean, the color change in the area where the large window overlaps the background is well done, and the clock is cut out well...although the cat and the rose have some issues around the edges.


    Most of my day-to-day world forces me into "logical boxes" with straight edges and clearly defined processes and answers, so to me, surrealism is incredibly difficult to do well. In general, I think the idea is sound, but it needs "something" to make it feel natural and "real" (if I can use that word when speaking of a surrealistic image :-) )


    I will also say that I don't have the guts to even attempt something like this, so take my comments with a grain of salt...and DON'T GIVE UP!



    in thumbnail view, I thought this was a capture of a museum painting.


    While I am usually against adding PS "effects" to photos, I wonder what this might look like if you added a "soft" canvas and crackle affect to the shot.



    ...when I saw the over-processing. :-(


    I'd love to see the un-processed (or less processed) version of this shot...the expression is wonderful, the framing seems to be spot on and the overall impact of the image would be enhanced without the processing.

    Notre Dame


    ...and a very good photo - certainly better than any of mine.


    It's definitely NOT a tourist shot, but for me it doesn't quite achieve a Gothic quality, either. I can't quite put my finger on it,though. "Aging" digital photos to look natural


    Two things that could be adjusted that might get you closer to the look are the brightness of the sky and the cropping. For the sky, I think if you can take a bit more color out of it (more toward gray than blue), it would give a better contrast between sky & roof. Also, if you can tone down the brightness of the wall at the bottom of the frame, it might help


    As for cropping, the wall at the bottom of the shot seems to block the bottom portion of the building from view, giving an "incomplete" feel to the shot. If you could crop so we can see there's something below the wall (I assume there's walkways or the river?), it might help "complete" the building.


    All in all, this is a great concept and a VERY good attempt...it just didn't quite reach what you were going for. Let me know if you re-post or post another attempt.

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