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Image Comments posted by tomfawlsphotography



    Very good job with the post processing. I like the gritty, sullen feel of this image. The colors are great. 


    Just curious, is this the same plant that figured prominently on a Pink Floyd Album Cover in the 1980's? 



    ...but I think it would have more impact if you adjusted the exposure and bumped the color just a little. 


    I took the liberty of tweaking those just a little to show what I mean. 




    Raya II


    I love the colors and the sense of fluid motion it conveys.


    I can't help wondering, though if it's all "real" or if it's "enhanced". Either way, it's a great image and very well done.

  1. I've been to Rothenburg and seen this house many times, but never thought to shoot it like this. This is one of the best shots I've ever seen of the city. It truly conveys the feel of that wonderful city.

    Her sea


    and you capture the feel of the beach very well.


    The only criticism I have is that the model's head seems "odd"...I'm not sure exactly what it is, but the combination of her hair, the distortion of the wider angle lens and the jutting chin make her head look too large for her body....not that I could do any better, just thought it might be helpful.


    BTW, I think you have a great portfolio - vibrant colors and well framed, interesting subjects. You definitely hav "the eye".

    The Painting


    but I'm definitely not the most "subtle" guy, Samrat...other than the obvious "there's a painting as the central focus of the image", I can't think of any other reason to title it as you have.





    ...that I know what this is...but I'm not 100% sure.


    Even if I'm wrong, though, this is a truly unique view of an "everyday" object. Wonderful perspective.

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