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Image Comments posted by tomfawlsphotography


    By rights, I should say something like "the colors are too washed out" or something, but I can't...everytthing you did here works toward increasing the visual impact of this photo. A truly artistic rendering. The eyes are incredible.



    ...it's an extraordinary picture of an ordinary breast.


    Good shot...and I usually prefer color to B&W shots, but this works very nicely.


    BTW, we've got friends in Malmo. Hope you have a nice Summer!



    Great colors, a wonderfully intriguing subject well positioned in the frame.


    Unfortunately, the left side of his face is rather lost in the background, which is a bit too cluttered and distracting. You might try cropping some of the background out, but I suspect that will reduce the impact of the photo.



    I love this shot. The shallow depth of field is great, catching just the right part of the image in focus. The details are wonderful, as well.


    I will agree with the last poster, though, that the text size in your name does detract from the impact of the image...I think a bit more subdued signature would work much better here.


    To this western viewer, that it would much more difficult to get a truly expressive shot of a woman in this traditional garb....but you've done magnificently. I love this shot!

    Mandy 1


    Lovely model, good shot and well framed, but it's too dark for my tastes. A little tweaking in PS might be able to improve the impact of the image.


    Great portfolio, BTW.

    Édith au ruban

    ...young lady and a wonderful freeze of her delicate movements. I love the colors and clarity of the shot, although a bit tighter cropping and slightly better lighting on her face might give this image even more impact.
  1. ...shows something I didn't know about Goldfinch until I moved to Florida - that they change colors in the Winter. As a Northerner, I only saw them in their Summer Gold...as a Floridian, I only see them in their Winter drabs.


    ...just kidding...actually, I think this is a great photo and I wish I had the skill to capture such an image. Great work! I particularly like the strong color

    Anthony's world


    A very well done image. Interesting and complex. Made me wonder what Anthony thought of it? Did it help you communicate better? Did he have any reaction at all?


    Good work...I'll have to read the book you mention.



    Great shot. I particularly like the bright colors and the sense of movement in the parasail.


    About the only suggestion I could make is to bump the colors up just one more notch to make them really "pop"


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