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richard van hoesel

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Image Comments posted by richard van hoesel

    Maresias #130

    Funny how we all see images differently. There's not a thing I'd change in this one; probably my favourite of your more recent seascapes. I love the contrast between the quiet contemplative foreground and 'rushing' sky. Great tones too, but I almost take that for granted in your work. Excellent indeed.

    Winter 2

    Just an adjust highlights/shadows (PS8) tweak around the pins. Regarding the area on the right, in addition to the screw head I also like the inclusion of the area above it to provide relief from the busy region where the pins are - seems to better balance the light part of the strings in the bottom left for me.

    Winter 2


    Carl, while I really like the 'tactile' look of this one, the amount of space on the left bothered me slightly too. However your crop lost some elements I enjoyed on the right. My vote would go for just eliminating some of the left side and perhaps the bottom to preserve a rectangle. The exposure looks pretty much right for most of the image, but slightly lifting the shadows on the right might be worth considering. Maybe along these lines...


    Lagoon #2

    Great detail, tone and colour Leigh. I'm quite surprised at the degree of saturation given the film used. I like the contrast between the almost abstract graphic top half and the detailed rock at the bottom too. The only nit I have is in agreement with Atle regarding the marginally tight crop at the bottom, other than that I prefer this comp over the previous.

    Black Spring

    I have a suspicion this is one that will grow on me. For now, I like the left 3/4 a lot but the lower contrast in the right 1/4 bothers me a little (and possibly the fact that that region looks somehow more familiar/everyday). Maybe making the section to the right of the bright vertical bar would be worth a try. I don't suppose there was anything interesting on the left side allowing a shot panned 25% left for comparison?

    Burnt Orange

    In addition to dumpster rust, probably green machine and locked are my other favourites in this folder. I discovered I had commented on locked previously, but find I now prefer it with the door after all.

    Dumpster Rust


    I like the dynamics in this one a lot and the colours in the top are spectacular. Comp looks good to me, but I wondered if lightening up the bottom half might be worth a try (I lowered the saturation slightly in the lower half too). Just a thought - hope you don't mind.

    ...seeing it online now maybe it's a bit too bright but you get the idea.


    Burnt Orange

    Great collection Carl (finally had a chance to revisit). I like the fact that each time I visit your work I find a different set of favourites! This would be one of those in this folder, althoug I have to say I actually enjoyed it more before the fly was pointed out...
  1. What I like about this one is that's missing in the other is the added glow underneath the water in the upper right quadrant. Here the fire is winning. In the other, the water wins and the complimentary blue/yellow scheme adds to that soothing scenario. Clearly different enough moods to warrant keeping both.

    icy hot dusk

    Wonderful indeed. I'm not sure I'd push the contrast very much, for me the muted palette suits the still mood here rather nicely. Possibly just very slightly tight on the left side, but a minimal distraction.
  2. Again a great colour palette and excellent light control. My eye seems to have to do a slight 'jump' over the dark ridge to get from the foreground to the sky (to which it is inevitably drawn), perhaps because the main foreground diagonal leads away form the sun rather than towards it. Maybe lightening the dark area up (if possible) or if a grad was used placing it a little higher might have helped. Regardless, a lovely scene well captured.


    The combination of the moon and orange horizon make this sparse comp work well. The main thing I would have wished for here is a silhouette without evidence of the hand of man (obviously not always possible). I wonder if a little more separation of the lower part of the left tree might have been worth a try too?

    Morning light

    Pawel, you might care to consider a pre-sunrise long time exposure here, particularly on a day when the tide is a little higher than this. I think the water running from those shelves over a course of minutes might work quite well.
  3. Congratulations Brian on what I think is a well deserved POW. Having had my attention drawn to this image a second time now, I think I like it even more than when I first saw it recently, and in fact more than most images I've seen for a quite a while. The composition just couldn't be better in my view. The beauty in both form and colour that is pervasive throughout the entire image is wonderfully balanced. Although it has been suggested that the scene should have been divided into more than one image, I strongly disagree and think htat this a fine example of the whole being much more than the sum of the parts. As far as the light goes, it doesn't get much better than this either and I suspect that some of the comments from those suggesting the colours look unnatural might be the result of being unaccustomed to being out when the light really does its magic. I also for the life of me can't see how anyone could complain about your technical approach here, the choice of GND is spot on and thoroughly unobtrusive. As far as the elves question: "What would you consider to do, if you attempted to take a better picture of the same subject matter?", the only thing I would change is to shoot it on a bigger piece of film so I could print it larger!

    Tracks to the Sun

    Spectacular scene Margaret and I agree your composition works very well as is. Did you try any over the railroad track? Maybe a vertical and down lower to emphasize some of the sleepers could also have worked. As for getting there after the sun had set, that can often give you the best light anyway. I doubt this scene looked as good earlier on.


    Yes, I agree the comp works very nicely. I wonder if lightening up the higher half of the sky (and possibly the darker strip of field in the middle of the image) a little is worth a try too?

    Ice View

    Love the light and palette in this one Dave; great warm/cold contrasts. The only thing I can see to have tried is inclusion of a little more on the left if the scene allowed it.
  4. Terriffic light, must have been great to be there. A strong addition to your great collection of Sierra images. I have no issues with either composition or exposure. Maybe in a little closer to the reeds to add a stronger foreground element would have been worth a try - maybe not.
  5. Looks great to me John, in fact I would think along with my favourites of yours (yes I know I pick odd ones...). To me the strong fence presence and stark exposure actually both contribute to making this image more unusual. One thing I wonder about is whether not cutting off the fence's shadow in the lower LH corner might be preferable.


    Yes, nicely cropped indeed Atle - the balance is great, just not quite sure about the colour palette (could just be the scan issue you mentioned). I don't know about you but I can think of more enjoyable ways to spend time than messing around with scanners.
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