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richard van hoesel

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Image Comments posted by richard van hoesel

  1. Nice to see another seascape from you Vince. Must be an Australian sheepdog judging from the resemblance to the Australian mainland. The colours and balance are, as usual, very good. However, to my taste, the amount of black in the upper half is a bit dominating. Although I can understand the desire to work within the constraints of a single capture, I agree with Jay that blending 2 or more exposures might give a better result in a case like this.

    New Canaan 1999

    I like this composition too Brian. The highlights seem a bit fierce on this monitor, and I'm not sure about what looks to be flare on the left. A larger post would make it easier to enjoy the details.

    2006-11-12 #2

    This is an unusual and interesting image Leigh, and as in some of your other recent works, the tones in the water in particular are wonderful. I wonder, however, if more contrast in the clouds might better avoid the visual focus drifting into the relatively bright sky. Maybe 'reinstating' a grad might be worth a try? That might also emphasize the four-layer design, place more weight on the cuves in the sand, and perhaps even alleviate the need to de-saturate the lower part of the image to match the brighter sky.
  2. I agree, this is done very nicely Sean, with not much to improve on. All I can suggest is perhaps trying a slightly higher tide for comparison, moving the white edge of the water right against, or even partially washing over the darker band.


    2006-05-27 #2

    This one is truly spectacular Leigh, probably my favourite in your collection now. I've come back to it several times because I was undecided whether I would have preferred a miniscule amount more sand included, but have still not come to a definite conclusion. The framing introduces a tension that to me sometimes seems well balanced by the expansive brooding sky, but at other times still feels marginally tight. Either way though, the light is sheer magic; one to print up big and hang on the wall for sure. The original colour balance works just fine for me too.
  3. Mike, the relation between the main land mass and island rock is nicley punctuated by the clouds, and the complementary palette works a treat. I wonder if cropping the lower 20% or so, placing the horizon at the center of the image, would emphasize both the geometry and the palette even further?
  4. Love the "exploding clouds" at the top of that squiggly shore-line, and of course their reflection in the creek. Great crisp palette too with little evidence of the +2 push (on this LCD anyway...). I think the only thing I might prefer is a marginally brighter LRC.

    Binette #20

    A quietly powerful image Nana, with nothing to improve on imho. I noticed the thumbnail some time ago and remember thinking it looked like one of your classics, but didn't get around to clicking to see the full image until now. I was astounded to see the small number of reponses and average ratings it has received... I can only think there must be many like myself who silently enjoy your masterful work without commenting very often. It's always a treat to see your images.
  5. Great clouds to match the foreground rocks Vince, and together with the time-exposed streaking in the water the whole has an appealingly mysterious "drawing in" feel to it. I probably would have preferred a version without the sunset filter (as you know), but even with it, this is my favourite of yours for a while. Cheers.


    The 'noisy' look of this one makes this image for me, but it's not apparent from the thumbnail and I nearly didn't click on it. Is this grainy look the result of a dark exposure or something else?

    Cows in Barn

    Composition looks good Keith, but a little more shadow detail would indeed be good. If you could get two shots in in quick succession you might consider combining a highlight and shadows exposure to cover the contrast range.
  6. Lovely David. Great intimate angle with gentle cool light and lots to explore throughout the entire image. The only issue I have is with the framing at the top. Although others have commented positively regarding the TR blue corner, I think my preference would be to crop it out, which would also leave you with cleaner lines where your foreground meets the top of the frame.

    Kids At Play

    Wonderful image Umair. I love the soft light, perfect timing and extraordinarily well correographed stunt chickens. My only preference might have been to be able to see the kid's eyes to match those glowing smiles.

    Crater Lake

    Spectacular Marc. This shot alone no doubt made your 5 day effort worthwhile. Some minimal suggestions you might care to consider, in case no one's already raised them in the many comments this shot deservedly received, are lightening some of the grad effect in the blue sky areas, and possibly leaving a slither more snow along the lower edge if available, 'though I'm not sure about the latter suggestion - I'd probably have to see the result.

    Rocky Calm

    Truly spectacular scenery, beautifully portrayed. My suggestion would be to lower the mid-to-high levels in the top and bottom regions of the image a little to better match them to the middle of the image. Maybe dropping the blue midtones just marginally over the entire image is worth a try too? Sounds like an amazing experience.


    Beautiful light and a very inviting composition Fernando. Probably my favourite image in your present portfolio. I can see the Dijkinga comparison, probably because of the wonderful soft light on that embracing foreground. Did you consider a version from a slighlty lower vantage point to see if separating the distant peak a little more from the foreground was also worth a try?

    Tysons 107

    Maybe "18 conversations"? I see a lot of picasso-esque mouthing, although [1,6] looks intruigingly different with a hint of klimt-like eroticism instead, so perhaps only "17 conversations and a nude"...

    The Prayer

    Saw this just by chance and was reminded of how much wonderful material I must miss with only limited time to explore the site. A minor distraction for me is that he looks just slightly too concious of the shot, and one thought I had was that cropping sightly from the right might make the closest shoulder look less intentionally turned toward the photographer. Could all just be my reading of the image though - lovely shot with exceptional exposure control regardless.
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