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Image Comments posted by dougsmiley


    I'm as impressed as everyone else, but I do have one suggestion that will make this image even better-darken the right edge to about 1/8 of the way in. I'd like to see this version if you do it.


    That stuff is kudzu vine, imported from Cathay years ago as fodder for livestock, and long considered a pest as it spreads like wildfire and engulfs anything in its way. I thought we in the South had exclusive rights to it, but obviously not anymore. I think your image captures the nature of the vine pretty well.
  1. I like the placement of the carousel, and the simple non-distracting background. An uncomplicated composition, and it works well. The only suggestion I have for a possible improvement is to darken or remove the lighter wedge shape down in the lower right .


    This is a refreshing image from what is usually seen on the critique forum. I think I would like it more if the bottom edge and especially the lower right corner were darkened slightly so my eye would not tend to drift more to that part of the picture.

    B&W Pose

    Steve, this is a nice portrait! Since you asked for comments, I'd like to see more detail in the top of her hair, maybe a catch-light in her eye, and maybe not so tightly cropped on the right. I think a bit less contrast would help detail in her face and hand, too.


    Gundege, the bright upper left corner distracts with the blown-out highights. Also the tops of the bicycle rack bars. A little too contrasty.


    Matthew, your photo is too dark. Once you correct that, the horizon line (water) also needs to be parallel with your horizontal frame lines.


    I've never been a big fan of macro insect shots, but I must say that this one is impressive. I would have liked to watch you set up this one up.
  2. This is a pretty picture, but I for one am getting a bit tired of seeing the ultra wide angle view of water with rocks (or surf, or driftwood, or footprints, etc.), six inches from my nose, usually accompanied by an explosively glorious sunrise or sunset!
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