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Image Comments posted by dougsmiley


    It would be an impressive image even without the cup of water and iris, and I would like it at least as well. This man with his face and slouch begs to be photographed or drawn or painted.
  1. These superwide shots of water, sky and rocks are easy, extremely popular, and so common that after seeing essentially the same image day after day they no longer have impact. I think many of us are having a fed-up "oh no, not another one" reaction to these pretty pictures..


    Obviously I'm in the minority, but the picture seems way too dark to me, with sections of the sky and especially the land areas blocked up, and with no detail.

    Magic Cart


    Do you think it might look better if the branches in the foreground had been removed?


    The sun coming from the right at a low angle as in early morning or late afternoon would give this Magic Cart better modeling and help it stand out from its surroundings.

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