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Image Comments posted by sunapeephoto


    You are obviously a good photographer, however the driftwood in this photo leads my eyes out of the frame. This makes the right side of little consequence to the photo as a whole.

    "Just Married"


    Good eye for composition. I find the chain in the left corner and rope in the right corner to be attention grabbers though. In my opinion the photo would be better without them.



  1. Great Face Michael, but the arm is a touch distracting as mentioned previously. I tend to agree that this would be better as a square shot.

    Thanks for the encouragement to post that you sent in 2009. Didn't manage to follow that though as I have not shot anything worth sharing.





    I don't know if I can help you improve or not, but the photo brought a smile to my face, so I think you have a winner here. The right side and the sky appears to be overexposed, though I am on my work computer and it is not to be trusted in judging color and exposure. You may be able to adjust this in photoshop through levels adjustment. Great eye to grab this shot. I did notice in the site feedback forum that you wanted more response. By giving more comments you will get a few back. Probably not as many as you would like, but some.






    Nice colors and scenic road. IMO all the interest is in the bottom third of the photo, so cropping out all the sky would help this photo.



    The sky is not bothersome to me. I would like to see a little more shadow detail, but it could be my work monitor is too dark to see it properly. Nicely composed.



    Freedom, NH


    You have a very nice eye for composition. I looked at the rest of your portfolio and you definitely know what to include and exclude. Though compositionally good, the foreground is missing the interesting light. Across the lake you have interesting light, so at this time of day you should be shooting over there and use this sight for the opposite end of the day. This is only my opinion of course, but I do hope to see more of your work.



    Smug Duck




    You don't have to strive too much to reach me. This one is purely the light. It was taken maybe an hour before sunset with shadows all around. There were a few spots where the sun peaked through the trees and onto the water and I just waited for the duck to swim into a sunny spot and as a result, he almost glows.





    Thank you Stephen I appreciate your comment. I like the c;ouds being outlined in this as well, but I'm noy happy with the how the horizon line of the water and land appear tilted. The land curves here and due to the lack of depth perception within the dark land mass the water appears to run out the right side. I will have to play with this more to see if I can correct that without ruining the rest of it.





    Hi Michael,


    I wasn't aware I got deleted until you told me. Doesn't matter, if admn didn't like the idea they won't work on it. If they like it they will implement it. I am aware of Picture This and think that it is a great idea. Unfortunately I get just tiny pieces of time to work on photography. Sometimes when it is slow in the office I can contribute to photo.net or work in photoshop, but getting out on my own and having the time to contemplate a composition or wait for the right light or experiment has been nearly non-existent, so I couldn't contribute work to anything, but I have intermediate knowledge that I like to share. This can be dangerous because people that only want praise ignore or worse slam you for what are intended to be helpful comments. Identifying the beginner that truly wants help could reduce that risk of getting slammed, which IMO reduces the liklihood of someone contributing their knowledge.





    I checked out the photo in your reflections photo. It is a very strong photo, but I would prefer this one without the background if I had to choose. I tried a couple of crops just for fun and this is what I liked best, but I almost switched my opinion to your view, so it is a close thing for me.



  2. I have often tried shots similar to this and I have not been happy with my results. Here I like the exposure on the trunks of the trees, but the tops appear overexposed. Maybe try at a different time of day when the range of light from the trunk to the top of the tree is not so extreme. This is a good photo and I'm only suggesting this as a way to possibly make it even better.





    The differences are suttle here on my home computer, but on my uncalibrated work computer the revised photo was too dark to see it properly, but is fine on my trinitron at home. I think that both work to fire my imagination and I believe that no two individuals will ever view the same thing the same way and that it is up to the individual viewer to interpret his or her own message from an image of any sort. I wonder if they will get a consensus in that thread you attached? Seems that none of them see it quite the same way lending credence to my statement(IMO, you will see it differently, if only slightly).



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