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Image Comments posted by vihao


    hahaha... yeah. one of the editors at popular photography saw this photo on this site and asked me if they could use it in their article. i obviously said yes :)
  1. thanks, deb. i have tried tighter crops on this, but i like how the negative isolates her. in the ballet, giselle becomes distraught and kills herself. i emphasized the empty black to work within that context.



    Kristina, I see your point. In all honesty, that's what she brought so that's what we used. It's funny that you should use the word "sculpture" and "lines" since those are two things that I actually try to emphasize most of the time... the sculptural aspect of a dancer's physique by focusing on their lines. The girls I shoot are in their prime right now in terms of dance technique and build. They're high school kids and do this mostly for fun. A lot of them lose their ballet figure as they get older. I'm currently in the early stages of putting together an submerged (underwater) dance shoot that will involve light summer dresses for flow.



    The lines in the background are purposely very horizontal and vertical and is meant to be cold. The girl's lines are meant to contrast this and convey grace. The girl's hair is meant to show the girl's movement as well as represent her spirit. While her peers are listing to Jones Brothers, she's listening to Kurt Cobain.
    The studio does have mirrors, but I chose not to include them in my photos. I shoot rehearsals and performances, but I have very little control when I shoot those. If I'm lucky the lighting, choreography, dancer, and timings work in my favor. Most of the time I'll count myself lucky if I can get two of the four.
    This is not my favorite image, but given free studio space, free lighting, and free dancers to shoot... I can't complain. Any opportunity to take pictures is an opportunity to learn and improve.



    Fred, her arms and legs have different tones because she's wearing dance tights. It's a little distracting, but it's standard issue dance attire. Given her age, I wasn't comfortable asking her to go without them.



    Bill, the green tape is used to help dancers position themselves in the studio. I usually remove them and the electrical outlet from photos, but I left them in in this case for whatever reason. I left the shadow in on purpose to give the jump a little height.

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