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Image Comments posted by 5711

    Nice Harbor




    wheres the shark to bite all those fat tourists who are floating in the water`?


    ..ive been silly again hehe


    look at the horizon..its obligual..so turn the cam for a few degrees to the left the next time.

    the nixt thing i dont like is the dark tree in the lower left corner.see it?


    i am not so sure aboot the trees on the right side too. to make this shot be a better photo i would try to get something differnt in the foreground..maybe it would be cool to see more of the house down there.

    and a bit more of the bay on the right side.

    or maybe make the same picture at dusk or dawn`-would look quite different i guess.


    that is what i would do.

    i think it is a picture from a holiday-trip isnt it?


    and one more thing.

    it is boring but always looks cool.

    make a long exposure of the habour at night :p


    keep it up erin!



    "Whose Eye Is It?"


    how cool is that...the only animals i can get close to here are humans and cows..but thats not interesting..theyre quite similar to each other haha




    thats cool


    very nice colors there...is it possible that you can be seen inthe eye, i wonder.


    great picture...i like it..and i think ill visit the zoo :D




    "Whose Eye Is It?"


    id guess this is some sort of lizzard.


    there is only one question.

    i was doing such shots latly and had some problems.

    first find an animal

    and second get close to it.


    you can see a shot in my portfolio..i was about 2 to 3 meters away from it..the animal is quite small..and i used a 300mmlens (on a d1x)


    and here is my question..

    is that in a zoo?

    and if not..how did you get so close to this thing?


    very great


    keep it up



  1. yeah - a coward i may be...but i know what it is called a "flame war"


    learn something about internet-discussions and youll soon know what this is.


    the war in korea started into what war?

    learn something about the history from 1950 up to 1975!!


    and where the heck did all the hippies come from?

    learn something about that too !!


    whats the thing about the vietnamwar...you dont know it?

    somehow it is the same like in iraq..but not for oil profits(or freeing some people)..

    there might be something else..you will never know it

    you will never understand that and thats now problem.


    you have your own ideas - you defend them ..and i respect that.

    but please please please...dont say thing like you did now..


    it hurts...





    reading all the comments here did take quite a bit of time..so i thought what i could say to this picture..


    journalsim, and this here is journalism, shouldnt be art.

    journalism is about truth.

    this picture shows the truth.

    this picture here tells us so much.

    this picture makes people talk about this and that.(you can see it from the comments above).


    and that is what journalism..especially war-pictures people think - they might start a discussion (what sort it may be).

    and if that happens you know that you did it right!


    and you did it right !


    i got 2 very good books about this sort of pictures.

    the two books are called "camera in conflict"

    i forgot the rest about that but i will tell you.

    they just blew me away...


    this will be the last comment ill write here.

    i wrote something about this sort of pictures...and you can see what i mean :)

    ..you can read it ..


    so thats all

    have a nice day !



    ere i forget

    hey krista!


    i have to add something just for you


    i am from europe/austria


    europe got a quite longer history like the usa...youll know that..

    and do you know what happens when kings/dictators/whoever got too rude?

    do you know what we european used to do to them?

    do you know why hitler suddenly had all the power he needed to start a war?

    (i add this here because i know that youll say "and whats about hitler!?")

    compare the EU with the USA..whats the difference...when i have an accident here..ill get to the hospital with the ambulance..noone will ask me anything!

    whatabout the us?

    what about the f****** murderrate?



    ww2 was one war that was fought to help people - to help the world!

    since that the us made alot of very bad and very wrong decissions!

    the usa always said, and still say that this is right!

    and what else did they say...always..in the name of god; they say(said)

    ..i cannot write what i feel/ think cause it wouldnt be that nice and i dont want the cia to read this "haha"


    i might ask you about 10000 such questions,krista


    ...and i know that you dont know the awnsers...you allready showed me that by saying things you wouldnt say if you knew the awnsers.

    dear krista, i wish you a great time; keep on shooting pictures - but please think about what youre saying!


    take care of your own country first - then take a look around the world !!

    cheers !

  2. yeah...i knew that this was going to happen


    you say you arent so sure about the thing about the oil?


    you say the people in iraq dont have to suffer anymore because of

    the regime lead by saddam hussein?...yeah, youre right!


    but why did america start the war?

    mr bush is so social? he really cares about the people in iraq..i like this idea..


    but what about his own country?


    this forum is about photography...not discuss politicial things here..


    if you wnat to talk to me about that write an email.

    i think it would be very interesting.


    congrats to lucas - he shows us very strong stories..feelings..in pictures.


    hope youre okay lucas...



    stay tuned

  3. we want your blood for oil !!


    but this picture shows only one thing !


    children dont understand what is going on !

    children; if not told by adults to do so feel no

    S E N S E L E S S hate ->they wont kill each other for oil..

    wont kill for profits of any sort...as long as the politicians wont have to give their blood

    but fill their pockets with money it will go on like it did till now.

    small zones of conflicts will expand..how long will we be safe?

    1 year?

    2 years?






    who knows?

    but who has to blamed?


    not the children




    great picture!

    Head or Tail


    the end of some cat torture device..

    less torture

    more killing


    okayokay...ill stop triing beeing funny.

    very cool picture..



    not much to say..its just great!



  4. i would like more contrast as this here

    but this isnt the mainproblem...the stripes on the ceiling arent obligual to the frame...the edge of the picture...this would help metink..


    and then something different in the foreground..


    or hey


    what about the stairs there in the background?


    did you take a closer look on the stairs

    ..i like winding stairs...its a pity i didnt find any till now...


    ...its still snowing...for about 12 hours in a row..hmm lets see if i can get to work just in time ^_^


    get to work wasted :D


    all the best



  5. make it look more dark...erm no...not darker..more contrast would be nice


    i like it - but i am not so sure about those seats in the foregorund...something different..or maybe nothing would have been better..dont you think?

    or maybe there could be your garfield on on eof the seats here ^^



    keep it up




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