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Posts posted by Prof-K

  1. I'm not claiming anything, Eliot; just saying that unless you can prove otherwise, there is no reason not to believe that it might be the case that Arne (not knowing better) linked his grandpa's visit at Charlottenburg with his buying these Leica/Zeiss. Whats the point of drawing quick and dirty conclusions abt ppl who you don't even know?
  2. Interesting. I thought you played with something to remove the purple/magenta color cast. I was never good in color processing (in PS). I mean all my color shots look different when printed (or on the light box) and when scanned, and I tried but can't quite match these two colors. Maybe I should get a book or take a course on color PS-ing.
  3. Thanks Trevor ;-). I just had another look at my shots from the same roll, and I can see that stopping down the lens works like a charm. No flare what-so-ever (not even as in the F10). Hmmm, I guess wide open ap. and sun is not a good mix, eh?
  4. Thanks a lot for all your responses guys! Nice pix Trevor. I have tried most of these methods and they work, but I was actually trying to use wider apertures and still avoid flare (specially on the main subject). James' advice to move a little to the left or right is kinda new to me. That should place the flare off the main subject. I was also thinking about John and Vivek's advice of using a newer coated lens (my newer Nikkors are pertty cool in this respect). Paul, as far as I'm concerned, the exposure was right (I guess I, in fact my friend who scans for me, messed it up while scanning). I used an external meter and metered from the face.


    Once again, thanks for the comments, guys!


    Here is one from my Finepix F10:<br><br>

    <center><img src="http://d6d2h4gfvy8t8.cloudfront.net/4488620-lg.jpg"></img><br>fill flash, stopped down lens, newer coating</center>

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