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Posts posted by james_ogara1

  1. SB-25, 25, and 26 are very similar and all would be good for an N90.


    The SB-25 is a bit more evolved than 24, and 26 adds some rmeote triggering capabilities.

  2. Just to add to what Frank wrote, G and ED are not mutually exclusive -- a lens can have both. G means no aperture ring. ED refers to the extra low dispersion glass.
  3. What's up with all this talk of abusing our beloved Nikons? Are most of the people on this forum involved in war or in-the-ring roler derby photography? Seems unlikely. Do people abuse their gear because the pros do and, well...? Seems more likely.
  4. Thanks for yet another response basically saying "shut up and stop complaining."


    Ever occur to you that in a discussion, as various other PN patrons point out to you with regularity, comments like "shut up "or "crawl back in your hole" don't get you very far?

  5. "So you'd rather complain masochistically, to no avail?"


    You're doing what scientists call "assuming that which was to be proved."


    If calling attention to the acknowledged problem of moderator-rage can limit th epractice, I'm going to call attention to it. If you think it won't, then hey, your call. Then again, you might be the sort of person to counsel the Burmese to stop complaining about that government of theirs because it doesn't seem to be having an impact.

  6. The person with the symbol for a name wrote: "No, it means you keep bitching about this site when it costs you nothing to use it, and when you could leave whenever you want if you find alleged 'contemptuous and censorious' behavior so appalling."


    Hmmm, quite the persuasive argument.


    I guess one should not expect people to be polite to one another at the local community center because we are not paying money to use the tennis courts.

  7. A gentleman who will not identify himself by name wrote: "Maybe you should ask for your membership money back, James. Oh, wait...."


    Interetsing. So, modreators' overweening totalitarian instincts recede at the site of a little gift box icon.


    Doesn't seem to be the consensus here, unfortunately.

  8. "Also after many months of being a subscriber to this site I have to say that I am generally appalled by the attitude of many of the moderators towards subscribers."


    The members complain. The non-members (me, for instance) complain. The moderators delete. Rather not be bothered.


    They are busy, they say. Indeed.


    They are unpaid, they say. Indeed.


    But they are also contemptuous and censorious. Maybe that is how they get their job satisfaction after working a shift down at the local Ruby Tuesdays.

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