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arjen van de merwe

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Posts posted by arjen van de merwe

  1. <p>Where is that photo??<br>

    For postmodern photographers you may want to look at Cindy Sherman (turning the camera at herself,not being who she is but playing a role, deconstructing the way the film culture looks at women), Martin Parr (commenting on society, both working class (Brighton) and ruling class (Ascot) without personal involvement). Oh, and check out this thread: http://www.photo.net/philosophy-of-photography-forum/00CTVK</p>

  2. <p>These formulas are not what I would recommend. You can test it and try it and then use different values. But it is important to realyse that you can get different values in defferent parts of your image with the amount of light that you apply to these specific sections of your setup. The zone system is a good way to look at it, if you want to go into the theory that deeply. But it is difficult to apply to flash lighting. Read a good book on photographic lighting. For beginners I like "the complete guide to light and lighting in digital photography" by Michael Freeman.</p>
  3. The manual recommends ISO300 and above. I always thought you get best image quality at lower iso (less image

    noise). The manual states lower contrast on iso 100-160. This is easy to fix, even in camera. I tried it and

    found no difference in quality. Does anyone know what the manual is referring to?

  4. I just got a D300. Is there a reason for not compressing raw files, when a lossless compression is available?

    Has anybody been able to bring out visible differences with lossless and lossy RAW compression, or with 12-bit

    and 14-bit? Even with heavy tweaking I did not get noticeable differences.

  5. Should I set the white balance using the gray card?

    Should I include the gray card in every photo, or include a photo with the gray card in the folder for the printer? I do not know which printer they are going to use, so I cannot ask him.

    Yes I'll be shooting raw, which means in the conversion to tiff I can still mess things up...

    Colour reproduction in Malawi tends to be less accurate than in the west anywya, but I want to do it as well as possible.

    Would it be of any use to print the pure cyan, magenta and yellow ink from a desktop printer on photo paper, or is that totally off?

  6. My camera gave a very strange image. Two were like, this. Then 2 OK, and then one more like this. After this I

    put in a new formatted card, and fresh batteries and it was OK. Today I had the same problem once. I put in fresh

    batteries and it didn't do it again. What is this? Do I need a new camera?

    Fuji S2, Sandisk CF, generic AA batteries, no lithium batteries.<div>00QPwc-62251584.jpg.58e3de744abada44c3214573b4d0ad29.jpg</div>

  7. I have an F90 which serves me OK for the rare cases that I use film. I mainly shoot digital. A friend offers me

    an f5. This is a great camera. What will it offer me that the F90 does not? Will this camera keep its value or

    will the value go down further, do you think? Is it a good inverstment?

  8. My business is growing. I need to get more professional order in my photos. I work exclusively digital. I store

    my photos on dvd's. I now label them with the date (yesterday 080711) and client (yesterday cordaid), and subject

    (yesterday: home based care). But I have several hundred dvd's now, and growing steadily. What is a good way of

    keeping track? Is there software (pref freeware!) that can help me? Seems storing thumbnails would be good, but

    labeling all of them with keywords is a hell of a lot of work. How do I find the right dvd say several years from

    now? Any suggestions?

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