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Image Comments posted by rpallagi


    it was a snapshot really. He commented, how nice camera I had, and I asked if I can take a picture of him. He started smiling like a little child, and all I could do, to catch that moment, so I tokk 3 fast shot. With flash, it would have destroyed the moment, and it couldnt recycle that fast either. I will try to dodge it a little, or play with levels. I left it like this, because when seen in Large view, the eyes are glowing just right...... Thank you all for your comments



    I was hoping you wouldn't notice it, but you guys are so good! :) My tamron with 300D looks quite dim on the viewfinder and I believe I used 7 point af which is still a pain in the neck to get used to although exposure is more accurate...


    thanks for your comments... the ears are really cool too. I dont know if its normal that only the right one stands up. He had problems with his ear (he is 5 months old) hes a problem child! but we love him :)



    he was born without retinas, but he is very sweet and sometimes it

    feels like he is looking at us. I wish one day he would heal... its

    a portrait I took with my old tamron 28-200 and I was surorised how

    well it turned out. what do you think?


    She looks like my ex fiancee. Exactly. Eastern european girls. they are the most beautiful in the universe... Expression on her face makes you wonder...



    Simple and powerful. Tight crop, it seems we eastern europeans like this more than head and shoulder look :)


    Expression is great. Beautiful work here.

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