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Posts posted by kin_lau

  1. I've got a SPII, a Fujica ST701, Practica MTL3, Yashica Electro and a Vivitar 450/SLD. Each was cheap, and userful in it's own way.


    The SPII just feels and looks nice. The Fujica is the smallest, and also has a nice feel, but the shutter speed dial is somewhat stiff. The Practica is okay and is probably indestructible, but I find the takeup spool finicky. My Yashica has a dead meter, and a missing shutter speed dial plate, so I just have to crank to 1000 or B, and work backwards. The Vivitar is very solid, and is the heaviest and also probably has the most features, center-weighted and spot meter, metal shutter (Practica is also metal shuttered), MLU with self-timer, and meters & stops-down when you half-press the shutter. It's also rather loud.


    Yes, all with work without batteries and have a full range of mechanical shutter speeds.

  2. Keepers

    1. Ziess Contaflex, Kiev 3m, Leica III, Zorki 2c, SRT101 w/ 58mm 1.4, Konica S2, Yashica GSN, Konica/Ward S 550 (bought from Dan :), Pentax SPII w/ 55mm f2 and a whole bunch of non-pre 70's, including numerous 70's & 80's models.



    2. DReb :), SRT101, Leica III, and my other manual minolta's.


    Most bang

    3. SRT101 w 1.4, Zorki 2c



    4. Mostly just camera's that don't always work properly.

    Not having enough time to put a rolled thru every camera.


    Wanted List

    5. Canon GIII QL1.7 (on it's way), Kiev 60 and/or 88CM, Speed Graphic (any), Minolta XD11, Rollieflex (any medium format)... for now :)

  3. I've tried it with the Hoya R72, and it does work, but the in camera meter is horribly fooled. My guess is that the meter is not IR shielded, but the image sensor is.


    But since it's digital, metering is moot anyhow. Just take the shot, and check the histogram on the review.


    I can't remember off hand, but about iso100 & 1 sec sounds about right.

  4. How about just a cardboard box that just fits inside your darkbag, with 2 holes cut out for your hands? Otherwise, all you really need is just some frame to keep the material off your hands.


    If your bathroom is not dark enough during the day (like mine), how about at night? If I turn off all the lights, and close the blinds to cut out the streetlights, it's dark enough.


    If that doesn't work, how about a long sleeve shirt and a pair of gloves?

  5. Nice list, I lean more towards 35mm, but here goes, classics/pre-70 only.... (?) for camera's where I'm not sure of the vintage.


    35mm SLR's


    Minolta SRT101


    Pentax SPII (?)


    Zeiss Contaflex IV



    35mm Rangefinders


    Century Graphics 35


    Zorki 2C


    Konica S/Ward 550 (?)


    Argus C3


    Kiev 3a


    Leica III


    Kodak Retina IIa



    35mm Viewfinder


    Kodak Retinette IIb


    Kodak Retina 1


    Halina 35x





    Fionix Foitzik Trier (folder)


    Ricohflex Million (TLR)





    Moskva 5


    Kodak No. 1 Autographic





    Polaroid 850

  6. I bought the 75-300 USM & 50, and it's great. The 75-300 is mostly for birding right now.


    The 50 is great for low light. I was shooting in a candle light party with no flash, and cranked up the iso to 800/1600. The noise was not objectionable for 4x6's from my i860 printer. It was fun to pass out the 4x6's, and have people say... "that's from tonight!"

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