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Everything posted by RaymondC

  1. <p>Thanks all. I picked up that used screen with the stand for $24US. Yes just hobby use. Just no wall space over here. I guess one could do a ceiling mounted one and pull it down just passed the curtains .... </p> <p>Was offered one for free by a local here but it had to be mounted. For home use analogue projectors are long gone. Are home use digital projectors gone as the dinosaur too?</p>
  2. Even our main tv is in front of a glass window with curtains. Garage but tools on the wall.
  3. No space at all unless you count the wall behind sofa or bedside the bed. Or wall beside dining table ir theyre tsken up by cabinets. New the cheapest is around 80us. Used auctions are 14 to 35us. The one in the link is used.
  4. <p>Did that did that in the film days when the pro's handed over a slide or a dupe to the editors? </p> <p>Turning a bland cloudy sky to a sunset red might be a bit overdoing it, not? Didn't pro's shoot slides, view them on a light table with a loupe and then handed the slide or dupe to the editor? Ok, maybe not Velvia, things like Provia or Elite Chrome or Astia. </p>
  5. <p>I normally do landscapes for this hobby. Mines are pretty minor, a few minutes tops in Lightroom. I also shoot the odd slide film so that does not lie, that is projected so it's not scanned and then edited. I bumped into this youtube video:</p> <p><a href=" <p>Is this what is done often usually with digital photography? I've attended some seminars of some pro's and they do say they dodge and burn, they photoshop out the footprints, Steve McCurry recently hit some headlines about his assistants cloning stuff out. So even with the film days, was this type of editing done also after it was scanned? </p> <p>Admittedly I have read the odd book, but I haven't until now watched a entire video on post processing. When I started learning photography it was those film era books and shooting slide film learning how to meter etc. So I guess from that point of view it was waiting for the correct conditions and weather. </p> <p>Cheers.</p>
  6. <p>Craig - we can get Da Lite but not many people have it. The wall mounted versions are like $80US but free standing units are double that. </p>
  7. <p>Cheers thanks for that. We don't get these stuff often here. I've put a wanted ad with a NZ photo forum.</p> <p>That's $50NZ is $35US equiv. Maybe people just throw out old stuff. If I go to the second hand stores or pawn shops they would probably want at least $35US, they'll probably argue if anything less not worth their time. Over here they sell new Epson or Brateck but those go for $100US for a 65 inch 16:9. They charge us $25US for a roll of 35mm slides here and maybe $12US for a roll of Tmax. A few years ago I asked a store for a lightbox around 8x12 and I was told $100US.</p> <p>Could try the Op Shop and Salvation Army etc .. doubt my chances though however. There seems to be more wall mounted types though, probably from offices who switch towards HDTV screens. Our place is wallpapered up, we just don't have a large area of wall anyway, many windows and if there is wall space the sofa is there. Has to be s self standing unit with a tripod.</p> <p>Edit. That link I posted is our online auction (used). :) </p> <p> </p>
  8. <p>Thanks Sandy</p> <p>I had a look at this one at our online auction. I am in New Zealand. Does the picture look ok? There seems to be some ripples on it. </p> <p>http://www.trademe.co.nz/electronics-photography/projectors-screens/screens/auction-1083841036.htm</p> <p> </p>
  9. <p>I am looking at projecting some 35mm slide film. I have a Kodak Carousel projector from my camera club. Need to look for a screen. Are the screens the same whether they are for digital projectors or analogue projectors?</p> <p>Many thanks.</p>
  10. I have the sheet printer. I was after people's experience. The only alternative slide is Provia. A lot of pro's used Velvia at night right and sunrise sunset twilight.
  11. <p>I have only got my manual RB67 and started using a handheld light meter. I have shot Velvia with an automatic electronic Nikon as an amateur for some time but I have never wrote down my settings in a lot of detail. When we spot meter it depends where we aimed it and how much adjustments we applied. Also there is reciprocity - going by Fuji they claim that 4" will require some form of adjustments and I read that some people have not needed to do that until XX seconds. </p> <p>So can anyone tell me what you guys do at night photography with Velvia 50? I would probably need to waste some film to bracket and really write detailed notes and do long exposures with and without correcting reciprocity. Depending how it turns out maybe I would need to use Velvia 100 which Fuji says does not need adjustments until 60 seconds. </p> <p>Thanks in advance. </p>
  12. <p>Film cost is pretty expensive in NZ.... </p>
  13. <p>It says this in the fineprint email. But I am not sure if is valid for all countries since my order is not updating? I get the 10, 15, 20% discount but my postal cost is stil itemized. </p> <p> </p><div></div>
  14. <p>Hi, I was looking at the recent promotion FILM321 which the email says those who order $149 get international delivery. I used the code and I got discounts on the items but the international economy post was still itemised. So can anyone who may be international answer this? I have contacted them for 24hrs but haven't had a reply, the offer has not finished so I guess I have to wait to the next promotion. </p> <p>Thanks.</p>
  15. <p>Just a week or two ago I was looking at KEH. At about $800US I would have think with a 80mm F2.8 instead. All in BGN rating. I have them written down actually. Body $339 with WLF or $349 with additional crank. Film back $109. 80mm F2.8 $339 or $399 depending on if you wanted the C T* or the CF T*.</p> <p>Just looking at it now, the 60mm C T* is $367 in BGN rating.</p> <p>KEH I heard is conservative in their ratings. But at that price it won't be EXC grade by KEH. Even the 80mm F2.8 C T* is $528 in EX or EX+ condition</p>
  16. <p>a<br> I was looking at medium format for some years and this popped up I was not sure but others persuaded me. After departing $150US equiv I am a new owner. </p> <p>Hopefully Monday I get it. I think the 90mm F3.8 is the original lens. The body is the Pro (non S). Mainly used for cityscapes and landscapes with a car that is. I still may get a lighter one down the road let's see how it is after I get my toes wet. </p> <p>Re: the lenses. How are the non C lenses if I am not shooting into the sun? I cannot use the K/L or APO lenses so the best I can get are the C lenses? </p> <p>Thanks. </p>
  17. <p>Thanks all - I think Photoshop would be the way on this. I use Photoshop for my film scans too tidying up dust marks. </p> <p>The last image above I can see the round circle marks ;-) </p> <p> </p>
  18. <p>I usually shoot landscapes myself but now and then I do the odd casual portrait of friends and family and one occasion I made a 8x10 print, I saw nostril hairs! </p> <p>I know one can do it in Photoshop but is it possible to do these clean up jobs just in Lightrooom? I've played around with the spot tool in clone mode unsuccessfully perhaps I need more practicde and I googled for tips, Scott Kelby talks about Lightroom first and then very quickly he moves onto Photoshop. </p> <p>But I guess it's not that bad, not too long ago the average could person couldn't even dream of having Photoshop on their own computer. </p>
  19. <p>I have just been scanning my old film and adjusting some bars Ie the WB and the tint in Lightroom. While I didn't have a photography hobby back then. I am curious to know how did pro's control the color? I assumed they used a 35mm or a 120 format camera, lab processed rather than high end drum scanners, pro C41 film. While the studio flash can help or the hammer flash for an outdoor session I am interested to know how do they control the background color of the buildings etc. When I use my film or my digital SLR I just capture how the light is landing on the background and it's not always neural. Ie - portrait / graduation photography. </p>
  20. <p>Hi all</p> <p>I am looking at his finally after saving hard, 120 format has been in the 8yrs in the making. </p> <p>With Keh.com - are the film backs ok with BGN or should I go with EX? The body which comes with a WLF - would the focus screen come with it. Also does the A12 come with dark slide? Only the $250 say so with the black color rubber plastic backing... </p> <p>Cheers. </p>
  21. <p>A photog friend of mine said she had an issue with her external drive but luckily she left 2 external drives. Just out of interest how many copies of data / photographs do you have? Overtime as they fill up, you move to larger ones - what do you do with these hard drives?</p> <p>Cheers ... </p>
  22. The APS attachment is far too expensive for point and shoot APS snaps anyway.
  23. I'm in New Zealand. There is power but LED lights turns off when plugged to computer. No detection.
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