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Image Comments posted by laheist

    Liberal Utopia

    I like the writing, and the irony therein, but it's the icing on the cake that there's a certain drama going on in the background. I think it says something about "utopia" too.
  1. Uncropped is better, I think, the pidgeons are the real center of interest here. Compositionally I think it's great, too. Originally it bothered me to have the blurred pidgeon, but I think it adds a sense of motion to the scene, and a better idea about what's going on.

    My sister

    Concur about the without jewelry; I think that the jewelry detracts from the "natural" feel. Maybe just a straight black outfit would blend into the tree more. She seems very natural, is she a model, or did you just make her that comfortable?
  2. Concur that it would be easier on the eye to flip it horizontally. Beautiful photo. Maybe the title hits me strangely, too, as the one on the left isn't small, it's like, large and larger.


    When I browse, I get only three size choices, one where the ball is the size of a marble, a cantelope, and a basketball. You should post smaller so we can see. Unless your dog is clifford, in which case I understand.
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