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Image Comments posted by laheist

    Autumn evening

    It's a nice photo, but the water looks too altered in that it gets a lot brighter towards the trees and doesn't match the sky. It looks to me by the horizon line and that the angle of the light on the buildings does not correlate with the light on the buildings that the sky was added in Photoshop, that it was a plain gray sky before and that you tinkered with it.
  1. If I take a picture of a lighthouse, I don't credit the archetect or the builders, if I take a picture of a sunset I don't take credit for the creation of the atmosphere, or placing the clouds where they are or personally rotating the Earth to where it needed to be. Photography is the art of seeing, sometimes natural things and sometimes man-made, sometimes beautiful and sometimes ugly. I think he has focused on a specific segment, like so many photos taken of the Vietnam memorial in Wash DC, etc... Good photo.
  2. I like the composition, maybe would pan down a little, but the blue cast doesn't convince my eye about the night. For some inscrutable reason my eyes for some reason weren't fooled.


    I agree that you need some human element to give us a sense of scale. Also, how did you get this point of view? From a low flying aircraft?

    Fire Girl

    I would crop some from both sides to keep the proportion where you want it, but the ponytail is the only thing that tells me that the viewer is female. Some story in the title explaining what we're looking at would be helpful too.



    As a guy who takes a lot of photos of mountains, you make me want to convert. Still, it makes me wonder about the cooperation of the frog. Superglue?

    I'm thinking more Bo Diddly, "Froggish Boy"

    da da da da dum... 'Cause I'm a frog.... da da da da dum... Spell F...R....O....G.... da da da da dum... FROG...da da da da dum


    I agree that the sattelite droplet adds to the picture. I'm curious to know what role paint shop pro had to do in this little number. Looks like it's quite easily achievable through conventional means...



    You can compensate for the filtering of selected wavelengths of light by the water by a simple levels adjustment in Photoshop. All the colors are still there, but subdued by the blue cast.


    Adjusted this pic (attached). You've got some really great underwater shots on your site, you should post more of them here!


    Mammoth Storm

    Part of me says that I want to see all of the trees in the foreground, but the dark sky gives such an ominous tone, and the angle of the sun already being to your favor, I don't know how you could have done better. Fantastic and interesting!
  3. I see hat you are saying, that the light would naturally occur there given the conditions, so maybe it would be sufficient just to make it less apparant thtat it's an umbrella- dodge a little on the inside of the thing or something. Also, I didn't realize it was a mirror until the later comments!
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