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Image Comments posted by laheist

  1. I agree that the lighting is pretty drab. If you want it to look night still but have more color, you can make it more blue like you get with velvia. Also, I would probably move it over to the left a little to conform to the rule of thirds on this one.

    Fall Colors

    The colors are fantastic. I haven't seen the picture that you "stole" from, but obviously we all borrow techniques from other folks, but techniques only! Also, try throwing a few colored leaves in the water during the exposure. I think you'll be pleased with the results.
  2. I agree that the title is great, candle has so many meanings and associations, it's fantastic. The words at the bottom make me think that it is supposed to be a bit of a funny stab rather than serious political commentary. The umbrella reflection does really bother me, but that kind of thing is cleanly and easily photoshopped out as it's in the frame.


    What a simple and unique way to get a different flower image than we see all the time! I disagree about the dimple. I think it's these little imperfections that make life great.


    I can see restricting the depth of field so that the girl's face is the only thing in focus, but it seems like even she's just a little out of focus. I like the expression and the concept very much, though.
  3. I'm impressed, I think it's great tone. I was surprised by Mr. Small's comment that beached ship pictures are common, hmm, maybe you should shoot the more uncommon things like flowers, or pebbles, or traffic cones. Great image, well done. The only place I would hope to change is the sky is pretty plain and bright, and would be better if it were darker, if you get the chance to go out there on a stormy day.



    Why do the fire performance pics get low ratings? I can

    understand aesthetics, they're not pretty like ducks at the park, but

    in terms of originality? I think it's pretty rare to see fire

    spinning pics here.


    It's nice, really, but it's true, there's nothing particularly different about it than other beautiful lighthouse shots. A ship, or a bird, or a thunderstorm, or something of the like would make it stand out more.


    It's true, it stood out to me that the frog was in a bit of an un-natural position, but I kind of liked it. Looks like he's leaning against his desk, like he's at his office.
  4. It's great, I don't think in the thumbs you can see it as anything other than a butterfly picture. The only thin that I think is, the green is very close to the background color, and yellow would probably match the rest of the butterfly better.
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