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Image Comments posted by bigsquashbuggy


    Even better when viewed large. I like the choice of black background. I can't quite figure out if the less that perfect petals bother me or if I like them.....hmmm.
  1. This is a pleasant image. I'd suggest a couple of things: a) Make sure the horizon is straight. Otherwise it looks like the water is running out of the frame, b) Putting the subject (boats) in the middle of the image makes for a bit of a static image. Although at times it is overused, look up the rule of thirds, c) The lighting looks like it was a bit tricky. You'll notice there is not much detail in the boats. Perhaps you can bring out a bit more detail using the shadow/highlight function in your imaging software. Hope that helps you a little. All the best.


    Good try Mario. I agree with the comment about the noise in the image. Also, my eye is drawn to the green spot in the background and hence away from the flower. Perhaps you can darken that spot.

    Evening Glory

    Very nice. I don't think you left many colours out of this one. Did you process it as a HDR? Composition is very good as well. The line of the road follows the line of the ridge - drawing the viewer from left through the image and to the right - right into the colours of the sky. You may get some comments that it's overprocessed but the image works just fine for me.


    Now this may seem like a strange critique but could you tell me what made you take the shot? What I find intereting is the end of the plant - it looks like a molecule of some sort. If that's what you like as well, then I'd prefer the image to be showing that MUCH closer. If it was something else, I'd like to hear what it was.


    Well, I looked at your image for a good minute or two trying to figure out what could have been done differently. I think I would have cropped 20% from the left and 20% from the bottom just to see what that would look like.


    Nice colours in this shot. A bit of a crop might help a little. Also, there seems to be some fringing on the edge of the flower - perhaps from post processing. Finally, be careful not to blow the highlights. Good effort.
  2. I'd crop some of the plant on the right as I find it distracting. No need to retain the 3:2 aspect ratio here. And I'd also like to see the rest of the bird sharp. Having said that, you've got the eye tack sharp which is of course essential. Nice bokeh as well.


    Well, I like the fact that you tried to do something different with an often photographed place. Including something interesting in the foreground is usually a good idea. In this case, I prefer the upper 40% of the image. The sky does not add to the shot but there's not much you can do to control that. Very nice effort, Josh.


    Great pose you captured, Brad. Have your tried adjusting the levels a little? It might give the image a little more 'pop'. Well done.



    Cropped square. I didn't think there is would be any need to see more

    of the body of the owl. I was after the eyes here - and the fact that the

    beak was open was a bonus. Your thoughts?


    This is taken in British Columbia at a place called Boundary Bay. It's about a 20 minute drive across the border from Blaine, Washington. When I was there on Sunday, I saw 14 baldies sitting at the water line. Unfortunately that was about 800 meters away since the tide was out (very flat bay). This guy was nice and close though. Thanks for the comment.
  3. Welcome to photo.net. Nice capture of a Big Horned Sheep. Generally for wildlife shots you want to avoid centering your subject too much. It can yield a result that is too static. I think you did well here - but think about different compositions as well - off centre. If you're not familiar with it, you can look up the Rule of Thirds (I think it really should be called the Suggestion of Thirds - and of course some rules are meant to be broken at times).

    Do post some more shots.

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