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Image Comments posted by bigsquashbuggy



    Patience, patience, patience. For the longest time, this sandhill crane

    didn't do much. The, as if on cue when the light was right, it gave me a

    great pose with the perfect background.



    Well, these are two juvenile bald eagles. Had they been adults, I would

    have assumed they'd be married. A title would also have been easier to

    come up with. Alas, I am looking for some suggestions with regards to

    an appropriate title. Ideas welcome.



    Welcome to the site, hope you'll enjoy it here.

    There is not really a lot to critique with this shot. You've left both cheetahs room to 'look into' which is appropriate. The light would have been a bit better had it come from the front as opposed to the side (i.e. from behind you). Also, a lower vantage point might have enabled to you include the legs of the animals. But that's about it. I like it very much.



    As they say, timing is everything. It took a while for this guy to get into

    position in front of the door and eventually he did.

  1. Yeah, looks a bit grainy to me too. Did you perhaps over sharpen a little too much? Love the 3 seperate beams of light. The people do add perspective but I prefer not to have them. That's a personal matter though.


    Superb Monte. Perhaps apply a little shadow/highlight function to tone down the highlights a little. I still like this shot very much.
  2. Hmmm, could be my laptop then. It shows a halo around the bird and quite a bit of noise in the image overall. Your shot does have some great colors though. Ok, time for a new laptop then. Must show this to my wife so she'll clearly see that I NEED a new laptop....


    I agree with what was said above. It's a tough shot to make unless you shoot it early morning or early evening. Notice how the top of the falls look unnatural - yet if you process the shot for the highlights, the forest/rocks sections would be too dark. So you'll need more even light.

    Ice Adventure

    Great shot but I can only see one guy (you referred to 'these guys' in your description. Well done NOT placing the ice climber in the middle of the frame.
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