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Posts posted by steven_palmer1

  1. Roger and Beau, thanks for your replies. Here are some answers to your questions.


    All images are affected not just the one I scanned last night.


    I was moving files from one folder to another while in photoshop. I would highlight a file, right click, cut, then go to the folder I wanted and pasted it in there.


    The last time this happened I was NOT moving files while in photoshop but in Windows (and someone on the forum told me that I should not do that but do it in photoshop)


    The monitor has been calibrated with the Gretag Macbeth Eye One.


    Adobe Gamma has been deleted prior to this happening.


    The computer was formatted because of a virus, trojan, worm or something and that was only a couple of days ago so i dont think (cant be sure) a virus is the problem.


    I have not tried viewing on another computer but will do that tonight and let you know the outcome.


    Thanks for your help with this.




  2. I have had this problem before and asked the members of this forum

    but unfortunately, no-one had the answer. Anyway, I'll try again.


    I did some scanning last night, opened photoshop (7) this morning

    and cut and pasted 4 images from one folder into another. When I

    viewed the images the colour had shifted considerably. Most

    noticable are the blues which now look torquois. But that's not

    all. It is not only those 4 photos which are affected but ALL of

    my photos. If I remember correctly, the only way I solved my

    problem last time was to completely re-format my computer.

    Uninstalling and reinstalling photoshop did not work.


    I really dont want to format again (I just did it a few days ago) so

    if anyone has any suggestions I would be very grateful.


    In case it matters, my photos were scanned on a Nikon LS 40 and

    therefore carry that tag.


    Also, it was after cutting and pasting last time that the problem

    occured, however, I have cut and pasted on other occasions with no



    Thanks for your help.



  3. I am wanting to create a photo CD to send to someone of a recent trip

    to Japan. I have already scanned all the images but I am looking

    for a program that allows me to have some creative input. The sort

    of thing I am looking for would be the ability to make the images

    fade from one to the next, selective background colour and titles

    preceding each category. Nothing extravagant at all, just simple

    stuff. Does anyone know of a suitable program that is not too

    expensive? Just putting the best photos onto a CD and having someone

    view it in Windows as a slide show seems a bit boring and not the

    best way to present the images.


    Thanks for the help.



  4. I am heading off to Tasmania in a couple of weeks and taking along

    rolls of Provia and Velvia 100F and Sensia 3 (brought back from

    Japan). I have experienced the often stated strong blue cast when

    shooting in overcast conditions with these films and am wondering

    what would be the best filters to use to compensate, 81A or B?. I

    imagine that Tasmania in December will have variable weather

    conditions from bright sunny to overcast/rainy, so when using Provia

    and Velvia 100F, is it recommended that the filters only be used

    during overcast conditions? Thanks for the advice.



  5. I am in Japan at the moment and when buying some film I discovered

    there is now a Sensia 3 Has anyone used this or can make a

    comparison between it and Velvia 100F


    I have been using Velvia 100F but as I wont be having my film

    processed until I get home I cant make a comparison here


    So I was wondering whether to make the switch to Sensia 3 as it is a

    bit cheaper



  6. ......has anyone tried making digital negatives for use in an

    enlarger? We all know about Dan Burkholder and his work with

    contact prints from inkjet negatives, but i was wondering if anyone

    had tried the same with a smaller format, such as 6x6 or 6x7, and

    then made a print via an enlarger. I am not suggesting that this is

    a viable means to produce quality darkroom prints but I thought

    someone, somewhere has probably tried this for fun or curiosity and I

    am curious of the results. So, has anyone tried this?



  7. Thanks everyone for the advice. I was aware that stock strength Perceptol gives the finest grain but have decided to dilute it 1:3 for its actuance effect. I should have mentioned that. Of course I dont really know yet what dilution will suit my needs so I decided to start with 1:3 based on a section in Barry Thornton's book, Edge of Darkness.

    I was originally trying to decide between Perceptol and D76 but the impression I got from the book was that Perceptol would give a better balance between fine grain and sharpness. This may be wrong so any opinions on this are very welcome. I really like the look of Tri-X, like so many others, but sometimes the grain is a bit too obtrusive, so I am trying to minimize that. Thanks again for the advice.



  8. I am about to develop a roll of 135 Tri-X (TX) in Perceptol for the

    first time and would like some advice. I rated the film at 400 (box

    speed), checked times from the Massive Development Chart and found

    that they only had times for Tri-X at 320, which is 15 mins @ 20C.

    So, advice on development times would be appreciated. Secondly, I

    have previously only used shorter development times of around 7 - 8

    mins with 2 inversions (5 seconds) every 30 seconds with other

    deveoplers, should I stick with this agitation cycle with a long (15

    min) development or should I agitate once a minute for 10 seconds (or

    perhaps less?)? I am going to mix the Peceptol at a 1:3 ratio and

    my reason for using it is to hopefully reduce the grain size of the

    Tri-X. Thanks for the help.



  9. Graham - thanks for all the help so far but here comes an embarassing question. Where do I find "Options" in PS? I have looked but cant seem to find it. I agree that the colour space is not right but I have changed the profiles and nothing seems to help. Now I have the print preview appearing as it should with the opened file displaying the incorrect colour. I have also changed the profile when the image is open via the image/mode/assign profile, but this does not help either. To say I am confused is an understatement.

    An extreme approach, but do you think that uninstallng PS and then reinstalling would set things straight?



  10. Graham - thanks for the help. I cant say that I understand this stuff very well but I noticed that when I open a file I get an "Embedded Profile Mismatch". This is confusing because some of these files I have opened recently with no problem. Also strange to me is that if I select "Discard Embedded Profile (dont colour manage)" the file opens looking as it should. If I select "Convert Document's Colour to Working Space", the image retains the altered colour change. If I then go to "Image/Mode/Assign Profile" and make the profile the same as the file opened with "Discard Embedded Profile (dont colour manage), the image WILL NOT change and appear as the other. Very confusing (to me).


    Anyway, I dont know whats going on and even if I figure it out I still dont know why it happened, and that may be even more frustrating. Thanks again for your advice. I will copy an image onto a CD and see how it looks in another computer.



  11. I have to admit that I havent searched the archives on this because I

    really have no idea where to start looking.


    My problem is this: I was in photoshop 7 copying images and pasting

    into another folder, everything was going ok. After I finished

    pasting, I opened the folder and made the first print. This is an

    image I have printed before and I immediately realized that the

    colour was WAY off. I went to open the image again and then noticed

    something strange. The folder was open displaying the images in the

    thumbnail format and all the images look as they should (I have

    printed all of these before) but when I click on one of the images

    and it appears in the preview at the bottom of the folder, that

    preview image displays strong colour shifts but the thumbnail in the

    folder remained as it should. I checked many images, comparing the

    thumbnail and the preview image and I think all are affected but the

    colour change is very noticeable with greens and blues. Blues tend

    to turn turquois. I did not change or alter any settings so am

    completley baffled as to why this has happened. Oh, I also checked

    the images in the original folder (and other folders) and they too

    show a colour shift when selected. I really have no idea where to

    start with this one so any help would be greatly appreciated.





  12. Karen,


    I am not sure what your preferences are but as an option you could look into dye sublimation printers which, I believe, take 8 x 10 paper but not 8.5 x 11. I dont know much about them but from what I have read the quality is very, very good for colour prints. I know Olympus make one and Kodak too, I think. Anyway, they are just another option for you.



  13. Thanks everyone for your help. To answer a few questions, I am using plastic reels but they are not Paterson and probably a cheaper version. The reels are always dry when I start to load and also clean.


    I think it was Gareth who suggested that the cheaper plastic reels create sticking problems. He may be right because after reading all the advice I dont think I am doing anything else wrong.


    Perhaps I will change reels and see what happens. One last question though. It seems that most people prefer stainless reels over the plastic ones. Can someone tell me why this is and how they differ in use?


    Thanks again for your help.



  14. I seem to sometimes have a problem when loading film and am wondering

    if anyone else has the same problem. I often find that when

    loading a 36 exp roll (135) onto a reel, all is well until perhaps

    the last 10 frames and then the film seems to stick and then

    buckle. This rarely happens when loading a 24 exp roll. Has

    anyone else experienced this? Does anyone know why this happens?




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