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Posts posted by simon_dai

  1. I think the initial poster has no clue to what makes differences between a Leica from a Canon or a Nikon ... don't get me wrong, and I'm not going to defend Leica ... 'cause I own all three.<br><br>Somebody just doesn't see ... and we're purely wasting some time here. Let the thread die ...
  2. ""Testing films, developers and lenses is quite time consuming, especially if all paramters must be controlled."


    That's probably one of the funniest statements from one who just doesn't have enough mileage with digital ... ROFL. <br><br> Imagine all the hassle testing different digital workflows and crappy pieces of softwares? plus, the fact everytime you change a digital camera, the image quality and drastically different characteristics driving you nuts?<br><br>Film actually saves a lot of trouble and useless effort messing up with digital ...

  3. You should be aware of that ... Cosina has clearly stated on their corporate web site - once the first batch of 500 copies are sold out, they'll "investigate the possibility" of making more of them. Unless the sales is really bad, there's no chance the lens will be a rare item. :)


    <a href="http://www.cosina.co.jp/seihin/voigt/v-lens/v-l-m/40-1.4/40sc.html">http://www.cosina.co.jp/seihin/voigt/v-lens/v-l-m/40-1.4/40sc.html</a>

  4. Chasseur 'dImages has a rumour in their November issue that the digital M will use a Panasonic sensor with 1.2x or 1.25x sensor ... there will always be some compromise with digital, bitter or sweet ... if you aren't happy with that - stick to film - color me totally fed up with the flat waxy look of digital files and all the hassle with digital, I bought three film cameras in the last month, a M7, a MP and a F6, could be more happier. LOL
  5. This camera was never a hot item even in Japan as some of you might have thought ... I almost asked my sister to bring one for me when she came back from Japan at the beginning of September, basically it could be found almost everywhere in Tokyo, and she easily found one camera store who was selling only for roughly 2300US - at that time. Glad that I changed my mind ... my curiousity to find out how my old lenses will look alike on the digicam was quickly satisfied - kudos to Mr. Fumio Nakamura, he tried all the glass you can imagine from the pre-war models to latest Leicas ... then I lost all my interest in this darned thing if I ever had any at all. ROFL



  6. So how did people take photographs in the last century without reviewing on the LCD? and how did these newspapers got published in the old days? ROFL


    To be honest with you, the single biggest advantage of shooting digital is you can always "fool around" at a relatively lower cost. And the camera companies and dealers encourage people buying into the "concept" because that's the ONLY way they can make some money. ;)

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