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jon w.

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Image Comments posted by jon w.

  1. I'm so glad I clicked on this, because the bricks aren't visible on the thumbnail version! I wholeheartedly agree with the comment above. The crop is arguable: you definitely need the text of the sign, the blank area below it is distracting, but possibly interesting because of that, because it suggests the solid brick above is 'floating' on nothing.

    In Mourning

    I think the blur works great. A fine example of creative use of digital possibilities, which I normally find extremely vulgar. Here the black background, and range of tones on the statue itself are both exactly right.
  2. I like the idea - superimposing a grid on the cityscape - and the light is lovely, but this is the kind of shot that's crying out to be taken on a larger format. The lack of detail lessens the impact, but still a good shot.

    Rue Becquerel


    'Capture the soul of a big city'? This seems an impractical goal to me, but also an undesireable one. It assumes that the purpose of a photograph is to provide answers (in fact, summaries, overviews, generalisations), rather than ask questions, which on the contrary should be as specific as possible. (I don't mean by this that urban photographers should concentrate on tiny details.)

    The question is: whose city is this, whose Paris? Why here?

    Madrid at Night

    Sorry, but this looks badly underexposed to me (or alternatively, if you wanted the moon, overexposed). Night photography is a genre in itself - have a look at Brassai's Paris After Dark, which arguably invented the genre.

    Madison Avenue

    It is interesting, Beau - good light and textures - but not I think as strong as some of the others in the sequence, i.e. maybe strong enough to be shown next to them, but not strong enough to stand by itself.
  3. Very clever use of reflections and 'interference' on the window, and the subtle, dark colour scheme is also a big plus. The subject is almost lost in the shadows, but not quite, which is appropriate.


    Very eye-catching colours, intelligently arranged, and it's a great pay-off to discover that it was taken in a cemetary (the shadow cross is the clue, of course). Good work.
  4. I wholeheartedly agree with all the above. Highly imaginative use of the 'grid' of lines combined with not one, but two subjects. Kids chasing pidgeons can be utterly banal, but here it becomes magical, and disturbing at the same time.


    Could have been an interesting variation on the street shot. Two dogs on the left are fine, but we only get the back halves of the two on the right, which spoils it for me.
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