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jon w.

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Image Comments posted by jon w.

  1. This is a perfect example of a shot that does give us more info. about place. More like this please (although the shadows are maybe a little dark - not surprising since you're heroically trying to use Pan F at night: maybe consider varying the film and trying some Delta 3200?)


    This is I would say is weaker, only because it provides no contextual info. whatsoever, no sense that it was taken in a particular place (even a busstop, like the first image). I'm trying to think in terms of your SPECIFIC project, not abstract, 'purely' photographic terms.
  2. Ward, you asked me to go through the folders and give some more detailed comments about possible editing. This is a great one, to start with, although it is symptomatic of a more general problem at the level of the project as a whole - considered as a portrait of a community - in that it doesn't contain much contextual info. You need more images that provide that kind of info., I'd say, but keep this one!

    Little Italy, NYC

    Arriving late, I can only voice my agreement with the above. As you say, a huge pity that the 'mixture' of sports iconography isn't clearer, but there's enough going on here to hold the interest anyway.

    Madison Avenue

    Actually, this improves on second viewing, and as one thinks about how you must have been holding the camera in order to make it. In other words, it's a good example of why the Lenswork mantra, 'A good photograph is one that makes the viewer so aware of the subject that they are unaware of the print' is patently wrong. Good photographs always insome way thematize their own construction. The trick is not to do it in a vulgar way (using extreme wide-angles, etc.).

    3 Textures

    This makes perfect sense if you know that Eric is a self-confessed Eggleston fan, and actually I like it, although the key to understanding it also reveals it to be slightly derivative. In any case, the point is that 'visually interesting' is not synonymous with 'beautiful', a point that many members of the PN community seem to have trouble grasping.
  3. This one also grabbed my attention straight away. It comes through that this is a heartfelt project - do you know Bruce Davidson's book / work on the East 100th St. housing project? It's coming from a similar place to your work, and might give you ideas about how to expand the project beyond portraits (assuming you want to do so).


    Ward, thought I'd check out your work after reading your contribution to the Annie Liebowitz debate. There's some beautiful, sensitive work in these folders - this one is possibly my favourite. Maybe though you might consider editing out some of the doubled or weaker shots, to increase the impact of the stronger ones? Obviously this work is based viewed as a sequence.
  4. Another ratings travesty. The lousy scan makes it unclear whether the figure 'inside' the tent is a real human, but I'd guess so. If so, then this is a brilliant interconnection of different surfaces, spaces, and layers of representation.
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