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jon w.

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Image Comments posted by jon w.


    There is some potentially interesting work here, but I find the technical problems distracting - i.e. everything likes as though it's been shot with a really crappy lens (fuzzy, low acutance or sharpness, poor resolution of detail, however you want to put it). Of course, one can make lack of resolution part of the look - as fans of the plastic Holga try to do - but this shot seems to me to require crisp precision (and probably a 'straight' composition, with no convergence - just my opinion).
  1. This is a new departure for you, Guillermo. I look forward to seeing how it develops. Recently I have been admiring Nadar's shots of the Paris sewers, since they are an incredibly effective way of dramatizing the idea of a hidden city, or the city's unconscious self. Are you working in a public space, or have you arranged permission to be present at the construction site?
  2. I'm very glad you stopped by to leave a comment on one of my photos, Ray, because as a result, I stopped by here and found this exquisite image. Beautifully rendered, great subject. The airport series is interesting overall. I'll try to check out more when I have time.

    El Sofa #5

    I really think this is a good idea. Comparing the shots in this folder / presentation with the individual images in your other folders, I can see a giant leap (though there are some lovely shots). The whole here is so much greater than the sum of the parts. Thanks for passing on the presentation to me. Have a look at my 'I Am A Pilgrim' if you're interested (perhaps you already have).

    Madison Avenue, NYC

    Another excellent shot. And what I like is that you have a clear sensibility of your own, so that every new shot becomes a way of inflecting and developing that sensibility, which is the mark of a very good photographer. Indeed, that's the difference between being a good photographer and being someone who occasionally produces good photos. Coherence.

    59th Street Steam

    Great. One of those images that simultaneously makes an emotional connection and asks a purely formal question that is about the limits of photographic representation (what is the minimum amount of information with which it is possible to make a compelling image that can be easily read and understood?).
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