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jon w.

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Image Comments posted by jon w.

  1. Lovely light in this, with her face enveloped in shade, dappled and diffused like the interior of a tent or something.

    In the essay that introduces Bellocq's images of New Orleans prostitutes, someone says that Bellocq photographed them all as if they were beautiful, and as a result they become so in his prints. Maybe the same could be said of your shots, Ward.

  2. I don't know how I managed to miss this one, first time around, Ward. It's superb, and the figure in the background is a bonus that gives it an extra kick. This is a good example of a 'portrait' that manages to include contextual information about the life of its subject.


    I have been going through your presentation, which I think works really well, though perhaps needs some minor editing.

  3. This is fabulous when viewed at a larger size, and after reading the title. Really good work here Ward - it makes you think, now here is a photographer who is paying attention to his subjects. It's so rich emotionally (and makes an interesting contrast comparison with my image of the smoking woman, the one you commented on). Focus is also perfect, which is quite an achievement under the circumstances.
  4. What's great about this is the way the snow has picked out all the edges on the fire escapes behind, and then is simultaneously 'slahing' across them in a peculiar and distinctive 'interference' pattern. I know what Andy means: whenever I see a shot taken in a snowstorm, the Steiglitz image automatically comes to mind, but you're obviously coming from a quite different place.
  5. Who has the 'bullocks' to live? I wasn't aware I needed livestock like I need oxygen. Maybe that was Veronica's problem. This looks suspiciously like an 'assisted death'. Where did Veronica find a pro-euthanasia doctor willing to attend in the small hours of the morning?

    gone ..

    Oh, I do like this, largely because of the addition of the milkcrates, which provide a quirky splash of colour and sense of depth to what would otherwise be a straight record shot. And in Newtown too (home of the quirky)!
  6. I like the viewpoint here. Ward, I hope I'm not beng insensitive if I say that you might like to try and thematize the fact that your viewpoint is quite a distinctive one: i.e. from a wheelchair, lower than most people's. I'm not quite sure how one might do this, but it's an idea.


    This is not especially striking in itself (although I do like the tongue), but it might make a good contrast to some of the other older, more grizzled subjects (youth and experience: obvious, I know). Again, I'm trying to think of strategy, not tactics.
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