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Image Comments posted by sevtapisik


    I love this a lot. The light is great, his expression is very natural and cute. Only the background is a little messy, but you know it already. Especially the right side. If it was my work I would try to clone the left side to the right and it would be less distractive. Great job anyways.



    Good eye for catching this dramatic scene. Repetition and almost B&W colors make it simple but effective. Smooth fading to the background is also very pleasing.


    On the other hand the exposure is not right. Of course this is an extremely hard scene to shoot right bc. of the big contrast. I would expose it 1 to 2 stops more so the snow would be whiter and more realistic. Since the trees are all dark and have no detail anyways more exposure wouldn't hurt them at all.


    Composition wise I would get closer to the trees and get rid of half of the plain snow. I think it would enhance its perspective. Best regards.


    This is one haunting image. Clean lines, simplicity and monochromatic look are very pleasing. Having only the hands in focus gives me the impression that she is trying to reach us while fading away.


    Wonderful street shot. Perfect timing, exposure, and framing. How did he land on the ground? It gives me chills.



    No questions, you are a talented photographer. I see a new wonderful image from you almost everyday.


    But honestly I don't understand why this one is so special. To me it is a travel snapshot. What else is there that I cannot see? I don't think it has any photographically outstanding attribute: Creativity, composition, capturing something extraordinary, telling a story...? What am I missing?


    Yes it is really colorful but so is Disneyland. Again there is nothing wrong with it as a snapshot. But I don't think just because you are a great artist everything you post here has to be wonderful. I just find it a bit unfair, that people are tend to rate the photographers rather than the photographs.


    Best regards, I am a fan of your images most of the time.


    Thanks for the kind comments. Since I don't have a softbox, I placed a black paper cut-out shape on my portable semi-transparent reflector and used the reflector to diffuse the light. So, your guess was correct.

    Tahoma Sunrise

    This image is underexposed, it makes the snow look muddy. Graduated neutral density filter for sky would make it much better I guess. It could help to keep the nice blue of the sky while improving the exposure of snow.


    Yes, definitely the new version works better. Mostly because the sidewalk and the pole on the lefthand side blend in. In the original version it was a little distractive.


    I think it would be a better one if you focused on the carriage. This version implies that the horse's head is the central subject, but it doesn't feel right. It gives me the impression that the horse was just happened to be there and you accidentally had it in your frame.
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