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Minor contrast/brightness tweaks.

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Foggy, warm, overcast, mid-afternoon in Connecticut. The snow was

not fresh and was melting, giving a curiously "foot"-like look to

the bottom of the trees.


In this image, what works and what doesn't?

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I think that a small pine in the centered in the forground of this pcture would really do something special for it. Has great aerial perspective but lack a good subject.
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Bora, nothing personal. 4/3 is not bad, though the prevailing practices in this site may make you think so. I suppose this comment should belong in your image page, but since you asked here, here it resides.
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Good eye for catching this dramatic scene. Repetition and almost B&W colors make it simple but effective. Smooth fading to the background is also very pleasing.


On the other hand the exposure is not right. Of course this is an extremely hard scene to shoot right bc. of the big contrast. I would expose it 1 to 2 stops more so the snow would be whiter and more realistic. Since the trees are all dark and have no detail anyways more exposure wouldn't hurt them at all.


Composition wise I would get closer to the trees and get rid of half of the plain snow. I think it would enhance its perspective. Best regards.

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Thanks for your comment, Sevtap. I am debating whether to crop off a little bit from the bottom, but I am not completely convinced that it's an improvement.


Re: exposure, I upped the contrast and made it darker, so the original exposure is probably what you want! I was going to for a darker, more moody feel, in addition to trying to enhance the detail in the snow (the little ridges etc.). Maybe I was too heavy-handed and darkened too much.

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Niranjn, I like the overall mood of this photo. I agree, compositionally that a little less foreground snow and perhaps a bit more tree above might be an improvement. Regarding the "darkness", I like the exposure. It fits the mood. The blue cast to the snow does detract. Why not just desaturate the blue. Or, since this is nearly black and white, why not convert it to b&w and play with levels a bit. I think you can retain the darker tone and enhance the ridges in the snow that way. Just a thought. I do appreciate your presenting this type of scene with an unexpected perspective.
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This image came more "alive" for me after reading the title. I was struggling to find a real subject, but with the title, I see what you saw. That leads to an interesting discussion on what significance an image's title should have. I would also agree that a little more lightening would be better. I think you can probably still get some of the detail you seek without it being quite so dark. I am drawn into the foggy depth and for that reason wonder if cropping some from the front may not be the right decision. I really don't know.
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It's a boring photo, I don't like the composition because type of perspective does not have any main element and don't dinamice the photo, is flat and linear, and the colors are extinguished and without force. Of course, it's a simple opinion, let's 쭰rove!
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Personally, I don't find it boring at all. I have a strange afinity for tree shots, and agree with many comments above, for example I like the negative space at the bottom.


What makes this image work best for me is the feeling of lonliness and isolation that eminates.

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Thanks Chris, appreciate your comments. I like the negative space in the foreground too; in fact, I do this a lot in my nature shots. I particularly like the neg space in another shot from a previous winter (photo id 1002787). The emotion I mean to convey is that of distance -- you have to cross that much lonely space before you can reach the sanctuary of the "subject" (the grove of trees, etc.). Sometimes it's successful, sometimes it's not...
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Niranjn, I think the negative space would work fine if it weren't for the fact the background subject is trees. It does rather make you want to peak up inside the image to see more tree. Actually, now I think about it maybe that's a good thing. You are certainly drawn into the image. I'm going to have to sit and look at this some more now. Interesting shot.
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I like your concept here. I was going to tell you that I thought it was a little dark, but I see you addressed that in a response to another viewer. Well done. Hope you get the chance to view my portfolio.


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