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Image Comments posted by sevtapisik

    Bodie Door


    I wanted to add power to this aged door with a wide angle and low

    perspective. Hopefully some others will like it too. This is the last

    one of my series of five B&W Mono Lake and Bodie photographs from this

    year's visit.


    Thank you for viewing.

  1. Bodie is such a popular place among the photographers. Trying to be

    creative with this old window and the beautiful siding panels.


    It was the first snow of the season and I had a blast scouting around

    this fine day.


    Thank you for viewing.

  2. Thanks for viewing and your feedback is greatly appreciated. (This is

    a re-post. I've found spelling mistakes in my previous post and wanted

    to correct them. I apologize for the lost comments/ratings.)

  3. Hi John,


    I'll try to explain why this doesn't work for me: The window is blown out. Since that was intentional, it is alright. But when it becomes a background to the woman's profile, it blends-in with the highlights on the face. We don't actually see her profile, but somehow a distorted version of it. If the window were narrower and a wall (or maybe a curtain) extended to the left, behind her, then we would be able to see the outer line of the highlight on the face against it and get a very nice silhouette. Same would apply to the shoulder too. Actually look at her neckline, see how nice it looks against her necklace.


    Or, with this setup, she could turn her face away a little bit more to give us a complete profile. Then the highlights on the face wouldn't be visible and result a better silhouette.


    I like the rest.




    Lovely portrait of a beautiful girl with a warm and sincere smile. I especially liked the color palette and the softness of the light.

    Shoeshine Man


    This old man was just putting on a show to attract tourists.

    Shoeshining had been a far memory of my childhood.



    I've never ever seen a person wearing a fez in real life in Turkey.

    Strangely whenever I see a caricature in a foreign paper or a

    magazine, Turks are always portrayed wearing one. Something emblematic

    I guess.



    First of all, thank you very much for all your feedback on my portfolio. You are very nice. This image is one of my favorites in your portfolio. Blue and orange colors compliment each other very well. Your camera position and layout are perfect.


    My only suggestion to improve this already beautiful image would be to soften the light a little. Looking at the reflections of the light source on the beads and the sharp edged shadows, I can say that you had a small size light source and it was kind of far from the subject. If you can place a translucent thin material (like tissue paper) in between your subject and the light source, close to the subject but right out of view, it would help a lot. I hope you don't mind the long explanation, it is such a simple technique but so effective, I couldn't help. I remember hearing it myself, from someone special for the very first time, it was priceless.


    Keep up the good work.



    Photographing people is the hardest for me. It becomes such a big

    deal, I almost feel sick under the pressure I put on myself each time.

    Hoping that it'll get easier by the time. Thanks for looking.

    Pretty Smile

    Very pretty smile and a relaxed genuine expression. The softening effect is too much for me. I would suggest lowering its amount and maybe applying it selectively only to the areas you would expect to be soft. I also think you need more light in the eyes. The white parts of the eyes look too dark to me. Beautiful model.
  4. P.S. Probably you are against to cropping your photographs but personally I would crop it right above the "B of Babes" to exclude the billboard sign. Or even better (in my humble opinion) I would just clone that part out but keep the large black sky in that balances the presence of truck well. This is not a suggestion, just thinking loud and exercising.
  5. I love the camera perspective very much. I think everything fits very well in this image. It gives me the impression of the truck is actually hauling "Hot Babes" to the city which makes me cringe as a female being. Sometimes I see horses or cows being moved, loaded in trucks, something like that. Of course there is nothing wrong with being hot or babe but the warped perception, just like your camera angle... I love your work.

    Piatti Ring

    Good points, I'll try to make it better as you pointed out now. I am glad to find someone who can perceive and appraise it as commercial work instead of art, for my goal is to improve my technical skills in this case. Art is more appreciated here on PN. Thanks again.
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