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Image Comments posted by sevtapisik


    I loved these kids so much. I hope you took more pictures of them. The composition bothers me a little, maybe a tighter square format would be better. It is a great image.

    Pair of Sealions


    Very nice. You caught them at the exact right moment I guess. What I love the most is the texture of their bodies and the curves.


    I am undecided if a bit more contrast would be better.

    Sahithi Posing

    This is my most favorite one. She seems to be taking posing so seriously, makes me smile. The separation between the forground and background is very definitive, gives the image kind of a 3D look. Good job Bala.


    I am not a dog person either. This shot was a steal taken in an environmental portraiture class that was taught in a traditional way. My instructor lectured long why most of the clients wouldn't buy such an image. He had a valid point but I am not sure if I really want to shoot for someone who doesn't like my style.



    I like this a lot, especially the soft round edges of the leaves between their spikes. Nice composition too. You have a good eye. Regards.


    P.S. Thanks a lot for your comment on my dying flower.


    Compositionally, I would suggest to crop the top 30%. That would put more emphasis on the eyes and make the whole image more pleasing. Very beautiful girl anyways. Regards.

    Spring is here.


    Evet biraz karisik ama bazen kurallarin disina cikmakta zarar yok. Bu agacin ciceklerini cok seviyorum. Bence renklerdeki monotonluk cizgilerdeki karisikligi dengeliyor. Tabii daha cok yaklasip karisikligi biraz elimine edebilirdim ama o zaman da resim iyice soyutlasip yakalamak istedigim etkiyi yapmiyor.


    Diger fotograflarimi gordun mu, genelde daha sade bir yaklasimim var sanirim. Bu biraz degisik.


    Zamanin icin tesekkurler, en iyi dileklerimle.



    Begendigine sevindim ama beni 7/7 lerle simartma oyle. Fotografci olarak ulasmak istedigim noktanin cok gerisindeyim henuz, daha ustalastigimda nasil puanlayacaksin? :)


    En iyi dileklerimle..


  1. Nicely exposed good image. But it doesn't speak to me. With the sign I get the sense of it is trying to convey a message but I just cannot figure it out. Maybe it is my shortcoming. Technically a good photograph though.


    It is a good image in general except the red shirt. It looks like it was saturated selectively. Even though the wall has good detail, the shirt has none. Maybe it was done on purpose but I find it distractive. The pink owl shape is a nice touch. Regards.

    B&W 1

    I liked this one the most among the three you posted. The fading to the black in the back is really nice. Your composition is good too. I wish the large flower didn't touch the frame at the top and bottom both. Barely touching the frame bothers me, it gives me the feeling of being trapped in. I would either leave a bit more space around or crop more. Great job anyways.
  2. Thank you guys for your kind comments, I am glad you liked it.


    It was taken with Canon 300D Digital Rebel. The sky was darkened by polarizer filter. Because of the big contrast between the sky and the sand, after levels adjustment it became even darker.

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