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Image Comments posted by james_oneill

    Mon corps

    Nicely done... just looking though the folder, and this is one of several with very good lighting. It has a nice balance between what is revealed and what is left to the imagination.
  1. The darkness is a result of the post processing. (You can see the stages in the attached JPG).

    The conversion to mono was done by isolating the red channel, and that tends to make eyes go dark. I've then added "dark glow" to the image (negative, add glow, negative back) and that's emphasised it. I might go back and layer in eyes without the glow...


  2. David, thanks for the comment, I'll post another today with the hand less prominent. Some will prefer one way and some will prefer the other.


    The distortion is probably a lot less than you think - it is shot with a short tele lens from about 5 feet away so the hand is not that much closer than the breast. If you look at some of the other pictures in the folder you'll see Joceline has long slender hands. If this were a perspective effect the hand would be wider across the knuckles.



    Luna Azul


    It's a nice picture, well executed.

    But... Why do 19 out of 42 people who have rated this so far give it a 7 for originality. I'm curious: do people go "Great picture 7+7" or can someone say why they think it is original.

    Certainly worth 6 or 7 for Aesthetics though.

    Adrian #2


    From the same shoot as

    photo_id=2912438>this one. I'm more interested in your comments

    than scores. I'll make my own allowances for the difference in scores

    for male and female models.


    Got to agree with the other comments. Fanstastic shapes both the spikey bits and the sensuous bulbs. Great use of perspective and light. Having a bit of trouble working out how this was done, but a very good pic indeed. And desrves a 7 for originality, because Kelp is supposed to boring and not worth a look. As for Aesthetics, I'd have it on my wall so it gets another 7.


    I don't like the text in the border, it's a distracts from the picture. The simplicity of this works well. You've found a good arrangement of the twigs and the simple blue backdrop (doesn't look like a natural sky, but it could be) is what's needed.
  3. This started from an idea Red Lilly had using a "can can" skirt - lifting it up to show that she was wearing only stockings beneath. It didn't work too well so we tried another skirt. This let us get a mixture of hidden and visible - except for the diamond shaped area of chest in the centre of the frame, everything we see is through one or more layers of the net matterial which makes up the skirt.

    This is not a kind of picture I would normally do, and I'd really like to have some views on it. Please.

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