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Image Comments posted by les

  1. Why I do not like this picture: a lot of background (too much ?) which adds nothing to the image; deep shadow in the RH lower corner sort of hints at the diamond-shaped field in the Brazilian flag - but the connection is way too loose to be meaningful; lack of sharpness in the top portion of the image; while some people may like blown highlight - I do not.


    I did have a look at your portfolio: it is nice, you use light well, you compose your images with care, and generally most of the images in your portfolio are interesting one way or another: this image is a 3/3 from me (hope there are no hard feelings - I could hide my rating by remaining anonymous).

    on set2

    I like the atmosphere of this image (although the image itself has been ehm...enhanced ?). Personally I do not care much how the image was created - it is the final effect which counts - and here is something I like a lot. If it was me - I would just remove a bit of pink cast from the clouds - but it is not terribly important :)


    It is a nice image - but there is not much of a waterfall there. This is the reason (I think) the background could be blurred out , which would help to concentrate attention on the bird.


    It appears that the trolls are really on the rampage today. This image is anything but 3/3 - very well executed, good detail and an interesting viewpoint. Well done - and do not pay attention to people who got ther finger stuck on the 4th button in the top row. It is 6/6 from me :)


    Well, it appears that people do not like dark tones - but they work very well in this image. Maybe the burning at the edges could be a bit better controlled - but it is a nice portrait nonetheless.
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